For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star… Mehr…
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star Trek movie to a host of "New York Times" bestsellers, including "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" and "Flinx in Flux." In this collection of twenty brilliant odysseys of the imagination, Foster once again soars beyond the limits of reality--where the real thrills begin. . . . "NASA Sending Addicts to Mars ": It was the most insane idea in the annals of space travel--and the only one that would work."Diesel Dream": " "Sometimes on dark, lonely highways dreams "do "come true, and this trucker's hope was the best one of all."Sideshow": Flinx hadn't a clue about the alien dancer, but Pip knew trouble when she saw it."Empowered": A magnificent male discovers the not-so-super part about being a superhero."The Question": A bold adventurer determines to solve one of life's profound mysteries. ." . . and fifteen other amazing stories " Media >, [PU: Ballantine Books]<
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(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star… Mehr…
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star Trek movie to a host of "New York Times" bestsellers, including "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" and "Flinx in Flux." In this collection of twenty brilliant odysseys of the imagination, Foster once again soars beyond the limits of reality--where the real thrills begin. . . . "NASA Sending Addicts to Mars ": It was the most insane idea in the annals of space travel--and the only one that would work."Diesel Dream": " "Sometimes on dark, lonely highways dreams "do "come true, and this trucker's hope was the best one of all."Sideshow": Flinx hadn't a clue about the alien dancer, but Pip knew trouble when she saw it."Empowered": A magnificent male discovers the not-so-super part about being a superhero."The Question": A bold adventurer determines to solve one of life's profound mysteries. ." . . and fifteen other amazing stories " Media >, [PU: Ballantine Books]<
used in stock. Versandkosten:zzgl. Versandkosten. Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star… Mehr…
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star Trek movie to a host of "New York Times" bestsellers, including "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" and "Flinx in Flux." In this collection of twenty brilliant odysseys of the imagination, Foster once again soars beyond the limits of reality--where the real thrills begin. . . . "NASA Sending Addicts to Mars ": It was the most insane idea in the annals of space travel--and the only one that would work."Diesel Dream": " "Sometimes on dark, lonely highways dreams "do "come true, and this trucker's hope was the best one of all."Sideshow": Flinx hadn't a clue about the alien dancer, but Pip knew trouble when she saw it."Empowered": A magnificent male discovers the not-so-super part about being a superhero."The Question": A bold adventurer determines to solve one of life's profound mysteries. ." . . and fifteen other amazing stories " Media >, [PU: Ballantine Books]<
used in stock. Versandkosten:plus shipping costs., zzgl. Versandkosten Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
Del Rey. Mass Market Paperback. GOOD. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible e… Mehr…
Del Rey. Mass Market Paperback. GOOD. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy, will have the markings and stickers associated from the library. Accessories such as CD, codes, toys, may not be included., Del Rey, 2.5<
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star… Mehr…
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star Trek movie to a host of "New York Times" bestsellers, including "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" and "Flinx in Flux." In this collection of twenty brilliant odysseys of the imagination, Foster once again soars beyond the limits of reality--where the real thrills begin. . . . "NASA Sending Addicts to Mars ": It was the most insane idea in the annals of space travel--and the only one that would work."Diesel Dream": " "Sometimes on dark, lonely highways dreams "do "come true, and this trucker's hope was the best one of all."Sideshow": Flinx hadn't a clue about the alien dancer, but Pip knew trouble when she saw it."Empowered": A magnificent male discovers the not-so-super part about being a superhero."The Question": A bold adventurer determines to solve one of life's profound mysteries. ." . . and fifteen other amazing stories " Media >, [PU: Ballantine Books]<
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star… Mehr…
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star Trek movie to a host of "New York Times" bestsellers, including "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" and "Flinx in Flux." In this collection of twenty brilliant odysseys of the imagination, Foster once again soars beyond the limits of reality--where the real thrills begin. . . . "NASA Sending Addicts to Mars ": It was the most insane idea in the annals of space travel--and the only one that would work."Diesel Dream": " "Sometimes on dark, lonely highways dreams "do "come true, and this trucker's hope was the best one of all."Sideshow": Flinx hadn't a clue about the alien dancer, but Pip knew trouble when she saw it."Empowered": A magnificent male discovers the not-so-super part about being a superhero."The Question": A bold adventurer determines to solve one of life's profound mysteries. ." . . and fifteen other amazing stories " Media >, [PU: Ballantine Books]<
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star… Mehr…
For three decades science fiction legend Alan Dean Foster has captivated readers around the world, from his debut classic" The Tar-Aiym Krang" and his inspired scenario for the first Star Trek movie to a host of "New York Times" bestsellers, including "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" and "Flinx in Flux." In this collection of twenty brilliant odysseys of the imagination, Foster once again soars beyond the limits of reality--where the real thrills begin. . . . "NASA Sending Addicts to Mars ": It was the most insane idea in the annals of space travel--and the only one that would work."Diesel Dream": " "Sometimes on dark, lonely highways dreams "do "come true, and this trucker's hope was the best one of all."Sideshow": Flinx hadn't a clue about the alien dancer, but Pip knew trouble when she saw it."Empowered": A magnificent male discovers the not-so-super part about being a superhero."The Question": A bold adventurer determines to solve one of life's profound mysteries. ." . . and fifteen other amazing stories " Media >, [PU: Ballantine Books]<
used in stock. Versandkosten:plus shipping costs., zzgl. Versandkosten
Del Rey. Mass Market Paperback. GOOD. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible e… Mehr…
Del Rey. Mass Market Paperback. GOOD. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy, will have the markings and stickers associated from the library. Accessories such as CD, codes, toys, may not be included., Del Rey, 2.5<
1Da einige Plattformen keine Versandkonditionen übermitteln und diese vom Lieferland, dem Einkaufspreis, dem Gewicht und der Größe des Artikels, einer möglichen Mitgliedschaft der Plattform, einer direkten Lieferung durch die Plattform oder über einen Drittanbieter (Marketplace), etc. abhängig sein können, ist es möglich, dass die von eurobuch angegebenen Versandkosten nicht mit denen der anbietenden Plattform übereinstimmen.
The "New York Times" bestselling author takes readers through 20 brilliant odysseys of the imagination in this collection of stories that soars beyond the limits of reality. This volume features a new Pip and Flinx adventure.
Detailangaben zum Buch - Impossible Places
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780345450418 ISBN (ISBN-10): 0345450418 Taschenbuch Erscheinungsjahr: 2002 Herausgeber: Del Rey
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-06-06T00:49:26+02:00 (Berlin) Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-09-09T14:25:04+02:00 (Berlin) ISBN/EAN: 0345450418
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen: 0-345-45041-8, 978-0-345-45041-8 Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe: Autor des Buches: foster alan dean Titel des Buches: impossible places, the time the, mar mar, just boy, places kiss
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