1985, ISBN: 9780394541532
Gebundene Ausgabe
New York: Alfred a Knopf Inc, 1985. 1st Edition 1st Printing. Hardcover. Near Fine/About Fine. 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" tall. Hard cover 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" tall in gray boards backed in ora… Mehr…
Biblio.co.uk |

1985, ISBN: 9780394541532
Knopf, 1985-02-12. Hardcover. Very Good/Very Good. 9x6x1. Very good first edition in very good price unclipped dust jacket ($17.95). Binding is solid. Jacket is nice with some shelfwear… Mehr…
Biblio.co.uk |

1985, ISBN: 0394541537
[EAN: 9780394541532], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: Knopf, New York], WOMEN-BY WOMEN-ABOUT FEMINISM FEMINISTS, Jacket, Books
AbeBooks.de Murphy-Brookfield Books, Iowa City SE, IA, U.S.A. [3950] [Rating: 4 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 4.00 Details... |

1985, ISBN: 0394541537
[EAN: 9780394541532], Neubuch, [PU: Knopf], New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!, Books
AbeBooks.de BennettBooksLtd, LOS ANGELES, CA, U.S.A. [52101753] [Rating: 4 (von 5)] NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 40.12 Details... |

1985, ISBN: 9780394541532
Hardcover, Neubuch, Size: 9x6x1; New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!, [PU: Knopf]
alibris.co.uk |

1985, ISBN: 9780394541532
Gebundene Ausgabe
New York: Alfred a Knopf Inc, 1985. 1st Edition 1st Printing. Hardcover. Near Fine/About Fine. 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" tall. Hard cover 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" tall in gray boards backed in ora… Mehr…
1985, ISBN: 9780394541532
Knopf, 1985-02-12. Hardcover. Very Good/Very Good. 9x6x1. Very good first edition in very good price unclipped dust jacket ($17.95). Binding is solid. Jacket is nice with some shelfwear… Mehr…
ISBN: 0394541537
[EAN: 9780394541532], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: Knopf, New York], WOMEN-BY WOMEN-ABOUT FEMINISM FEMINISTS, Jacket, Books

1985, ISBN: 0394541537
[EAN: 9780394541532], Neubuch, [PU: Knopf], New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!, Books
1985, ISBN: 9780394541532
Hardcover, Neubuch, Size: 9x6x1; New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!, [PU: Knopf]
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Margaret Forster's portraits bring these women vividly to life. Drawing on letters, diaries, unpublished papers, and autobiograpies, Forster describes the life circumstances, radicalizing experiences, and activities of these feminist forebears, and notes the many parallels in their lives.
In the process, she tells us much about the feminism of the 19th century, which was not so much a movement as a phenomenon that occurred simultaneously in many different fields. These nineteenth-century leaders, many of them avowedly non-feminist, reacted not to an ideology but to their own experiences of prejudice or limited opportunity.
Detailangaben zum Buch - Significant Sisters
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780394541532
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0394541537
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1939
Herausgeber: Knopf
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2008-03-26T21:04:52+01:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-06-28T20:41:03+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 0394541537
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-394-54153-7, 978-0-394-54153-2
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: forster margaret, frster, förster
Titel des Buches: significant sisters, grassroots, les sister, 1839, feminism
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