ISBN: 9780394547947
A refreshingly modern reconsideration of Saint Teresa (1515-1582), one of the greatest mystics and reformers to emerge within the sixteenth-century Catholic Church, whose writings are a k… Mehr…
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1999, ISBN: 9780394547947
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999-11-16. First Edition. Paperback. Used-Good. 5.53 x 0.62 x 8.25 inches. pp304; ISBN 0965015137; Paperback in good condition; Uncreased spine; Clean pages;… Mehr…
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2000, ISBN: 0394547942
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[EAN: 9780394547947], Near Fine, [PU: Alfred A Knopf, NY], SAINTS; CATHOLICISM, Jacket, First Edition, First Printing; dj w/unclipped price, in mylar; 282 clean, unmarked pages/notes/inde… Mehr…
AbeBooks.de Dorley House Books, Inc., Hagerstown, MD, U.S.A. [51640358] [Rating: 4 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 7.65 Details... |

ISBN: 9780394547947
Knopf. Used - Very Good. . . All orders guaranteed and ship within 24 hours. Your purchase supports More Than Words, a nonprofit job training program for youth, empowering youth to take… Mehr…
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ISBN: 9780394547947
Knopf. Used - Good. Good condition. Good dust jacket. A copy that has been read but remains intact. May contain markings such as bookplates, stamps, limited notes and highlighting, or a… Mehr…
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ISBN: 9780394547947
A refreshingly modern reconsideration of Saint Teresa (1515-1582), one of the greatest mystics and reformers to emerge within the sixteenth-century Catholic Church, whose writings are a k… Mehr…
1999, ISBN: 9780394547947
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999-11-16. First Edition. Paperback. Used-Good. 5.53 x 0.62 x 8.25 inches. pp304; ISBN 0965015137; Paperback in good condition; Uncreased spine; Clean pages;… Mehr…

ISBN: 0394547942
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780394547947], Near Fine, [PU: Alfred A Knopf, NY], SAINTS; CATHOLICISM, Jacket, First Edition, First Printing; dj w/unclipped price, in mylar; 282 clean, unmarked pages/notes/inde… Mehr…
ISBN: 9780394547947
Knopf. Used - Very Good. . . All orders guaranteed and ship within 24 hours. Your purchase supports More Than Words, a nonprofit job training program for youth, empowering youth to take… Mehr…
ISBN: 9780394547947
Knopf. Used - Good. Good condition. Good dust jacket. A copy that has been read but remains intact. May contain markings such as bookplates, stamps, limited notes and highlighting, or a… Mehr…
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Teresa of Avila: The Progress of a Soul
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780394547947
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0394547942
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1999
Herausgeber: Knopf
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-10-08T15:54:52+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2025-01-23T07:46:00+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 0394547942
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-394-54794-2, 978-0-394-54794-7
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: cathleen medwick
Titel des Buches: progress teresa avila soul, ávila
Weitere, andere Bücher, die diesem Buch sehr ähnlich sein könnten:
Neuestes ähnliches Buch:
9780385501293 Teresa of Avila: The Progress of a Soul Cathleen Medwick Author (Cathleen Medwick)
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