1995, ISBN: 047206522X
[EAN: 9780472065226], usado, bom estado, [PU: U of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI], HLS, U.S. CIVIL WAR, WAR ERA, History|United States|Civil War Period (1850-1877), History|United States|… Mehr…
AbeBooks.de edconroybooks, Troy, NY, U.S.A. [4838] [qualificação: 5 (de 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 19.80 Details... |
1995, ISBN: 9780472065226
University of Michigan Press, 1995. Soft cover. As New. A FLAWESS copy of this important journal/history in wraps (softbound). No reader creases or markings at all. Kemble was an abolit… Mehr…
Biblio.co.uk |
ISBN: 047206522X
[EAN: 9780472065226], usado, [SC: 29.9], Item in acceptable condition including possible liquid damage. As well, answers may be filled in. Lastly, may be missing components, e.g. missing … Mehr…
IberLibro.com glenthebookseller, Montgomery, IL, U.S.A. [52274160] [qualificação: 4 (de 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 29.90 Details... |
ISBN: 9780472065226
Used - Acceptable. Item in acceptable condition including possible liquid damage. As well, answers may be filled in. Lastly, may be missing components, e.g. missing DVDs, CDs, Access Cod… Mehr…
Biblio.co.uk |
1995, ISBN: 9780472065226
Paperback, Great customer service. You will be happy!, usado, muito bom estado, P02, [PU: University of Michigan Press]
alibris.com |
1995, ISBN: 047206522X
[EAN: 9780472065226], usado, bom estado, [PU: U of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI], HLS, U.S. CIVIL WAR, WAR ERA, History|United States|Civil War Period (1850-1877), History|United States|… Mehr…
Kemble, Frances A. and Frances A. Butler Leigh:
Principles & Privilege: Two Women's Lives On A Georgia Plantation - Taschenbuch1995, ISBN: 9780472065226
University of Michigan Press, 1995. Soft cover. As New. A FLAWESS copy of this important journal/history in wraps (softbound). No reader creases or markings at all. Kemble was an abolit… Mehr…
ISBN: 047206522X
[EAN: 9780472065226], usado, [SC: 29.9], Item in acceptable condition including possible liquid damage. As well, answers may be filled in. Lastly, may be missing components, e.g. missing … Mehr…
ISBN: 9780472065226
Used - Acceptable. Item in acceptable condition including possible liquid damage. As well, answers may be filled in. Lastly, may be missing components, e.g. missing DVDs, CDs, Access Cod… Mehr…
1995, ISBN: 9780472065226
Paperback, Great customer service. You will be happy!, usado, muito bom estado, P02, [PU: University of Michigan Press]
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Principles and Privilege: Two Women's Lives on a Georgia Plantation
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780472065226
ISBN (ISBN-10): 047206522X
Erscheinungsjahr: 1995
Herausgeber: University of Michigan Press
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2008-03-17T17:33:47+01:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2020-10-16T18:28:42+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 047206522X
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-472-06522-X, 978-0-472-06522-6
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: fanny kemble
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Neuestes ähnliches Buch:
9780472095223 Principles and Privilege: Two Women's Lives on a Georgia Plantation (Ann Arbor paperbacks) (Fanny Kemble, Frances Butler Leigh, Dana D. Nelson)
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