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Dear Socks, Dear Buddy - Clinton, Hillary Rodham
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Clinton, Hillary Rodham:

Dear Socks, Dear Buddy - neues Buch

1998, ISBN: 9780671043681

Simon & Schuster, Audio Cassette, Auflage: Unabridged, Publiziert: 1998-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.11 kg, 20th Century, United States, Americas, History, Subjects, Books, Ani… Mehr…

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$ 11,90
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Versand: € 100,871
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Clinton, Hillary Rodham [Foreword]:

DEAR SOCKS, DEAR BUDDY: Kids' Letters to the First Pets - gebrauchtes Buch

1999, ISBN: 9780671043681

Audioworks, 1999-01-01. Audio Cassette. Like New. Prompt shipment, with tracking. we ship in CLEAN SECURE boxesDND, Audioworks, 1999-01-01, 5

Versandkosten: EUR 100.87 Robinson Street Books, IOBA
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$ 24,86
(ca. € 25,08)
Versand: € 19,781
Bestellengesponserter Link
Foreword-Hillary Rodham Clinton:
DEAR SOCKS, DEAR BUDDY: Kids' Letters to the First Pets - neues Buch

ISBN: 9780671043681

Audioworks, 1999-01-01. Audio Cassette. New. Brand-new, unused, unopened. box slightly mashed on one end., Audioworks, 1999-01-01, 6

Versandkosten: EUR 19.78 books4U2day
bei Biblio.co.uk
$ 14,38
(ca. € 12,68)
Versand: € 0,001
Bestellengesponserter Link
Hillary Rodham Clinton (Foreword):
DEAR SOCKS, DEAR BUDDY: Kids' Letters to the First Pets - gebrauchtes Buch

1999, ISBN: 9780671043681

Audioworks, 1999-01-01. Unabridged. Audio Cassette. Used:Good., Audioworks, 1999-01-01, 0

Versandkosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Ergodebooks
bei Biblio.co.uk
$ 24,75
(ca. € 24,96)
Versand: € 20,171
Bestellengesponserter Link
Foreword-Hillary Rodham Clinton:
DEAR SOCKS, DEAR BUDDY: Kids' Letters to the First Pets - gebrauchtes Buch

1999, ISBN: 9780671043681

Audioworks, 1999-01-01. Audio Cassette. Good., Audioworks, 1999-01-01, 2.5

Versandkosten: EUR 20.17 Ergodebooks

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Details zum Buch
Dear Socks, Dear Buddy

First pets have always been popular, including such notables as FDR's Scottish terrier, Fala; Caroline Kennedy's pony, Macaroni; and Amy Carter's cat, Misty. President Clinton's cat, Socks, and his chocolate Labrador, Buddy, have also managed to attract quite a few fans since landing in the White House, the majority being curious children who have lots of interesting questions and aren't shy about sharing! In Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton gathers together more than 80 full-color photographs of the dynamic duo and 50 letters to them from kids across the United States and offers answers to their most-often-asked questions. From "Socks Stats" and a "Buddy Bio" to a FAQ page for each, and "Socks and Buddy's Guide to Good Pet Care," children will be delighted with the generous information provided on two of their favorite pets, as well as the "pet history" of the White House and a look into how letters to Socks and Buddy are received, sorted, and answered at the U.S. Soldiers' and Airmen's Home. Clinton, who is donating all of the author proceeds from the sale of this book to the National Park Foundation, also devotes a chapter to suggesting numerous ways that "parents can help their children initiate and enjoy the experience of writing and receiving letters," making this a treasure for both parents and children alike.

Detailangaben zum Buch - Dear Socks, Dear Buddy

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780671043681
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0671043684
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1998
Herausgeber: Simon & Schuster

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-10-23T07:45:45+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2022-11-02T21:02:14+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 0671043684

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-671-04368-4, 978-0-671-04368-1
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: hillary rodham clinton
Titel des Buches: dear socks dear buddy kids letters the first pets, dear socks dear buddy kid letters the first pets, first pet

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