THE PRODIGAL'S RETURNNeither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneas… Mehr…
THE PRODIGAL'S RETURNNeither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneasy peace. But it is a peace filled with fear, hatred and mistrust on both sides. Then from out of a warp point notorious for devouring space ships, appears a ship from the dim mists of half-forgotten history. It responds to hails from the patrolling Orion sentry using ancient human codes from a long lost colony. And it opens fire on Orions, igniting the fires of interstellar war anew, in a quest to free Holy Mother Terra.... Media > Book, [PU: Simon & Schuster]<
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THE PRODIGAL'S RETURN Neither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an unea… Mehr…
THE PRODIGAL'S RETURN Neither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneasy peace. But it is a peace filled with fear, hatred and mistrust on both sides. Then from out of a warp point notorious for devouring space ships, appears a ship from the dim mists of half-forgotten history. It responds to hails from the patrolling Orion sentry using ancient human codes from a long lost colony. And it opens fire on Orions, igniting the fires of interstellar war anew, in a quest to free Holy Mother Terra.... Fremdsprachige Bücher 17.2 x 10.5 x 2.4 cm , Baen Books, Baen Books<
Nr. A1002433991. Versandkosten:, , DE. (EUR 3.95) Details...
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Baen, 1996. 2nd printing. Neither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an… Mehr…
Baen, 1996. 2nd printing. Neither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneasy peace. But it is a peace filled with fear. Paperback. near fine paperback, Paul Alexander cover., Baen, 1996, 4<
Fantastic Literature Ltd Versandkosten: EUR 4.81 Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
Baen Books, 1996. Paperback. Very Good. Alexander, Paul. Some edge, corner, and spine edge wear. Small amrk inside of cover. 7 To qualify for refund (including original shipping cost) … Mehr…
Baen Books, 1996. Paperback. Very Good. Alexander, Paul. Some edge, corner, and spine edge wear. Small amrk inside of cover. 7 To qualify for refund (including original shipping cost) less $1.00, book(s) must be returned within 15 days., Baen Books, 1996, 3<
THE PRODIGAL'S RETURNNeither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneas… Mehr…
THE PRODIGAL'S RETURNNeither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneasy peace. But it is a peace filled with fear, hatred and mistrust on both sides. Then from out of a warp point notorious for devouring space ships, appears a ship from the dim mists of half-forgotten history. It responds to hails from the patrolling Orion sentry using ancient human codes from a long lost colony. And it opens fire on Orions, igniting the fires of interstellar war anew, in a quest to free Holy Mother Terra.... Media > Book, [PU: Simon & Schuster]<
THE PRODIGAL'S RETURN Neither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an unea… Mehr…
THE PRODIGAL'S RETURN Neither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneasy peace. But it is a peace filled with fear, hatred and mistrust on both sides. Then from out of a warp point notorious for devouring space ships, appears a ship from the dim mists of half-forgotten history. It responds to hails from the patrolling Orion sentry using ancient human codes from a long lost colony. And it opens fire on Orions, igniting the fires of interstellar war anew, in a quest to free Holy Mother Terra.... Fremdsprachige Bücher 17.2 x 10.5 x 2.4 cm , Baen Books, Baen Books<
Baen, 1996. 2nd printing. Neither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an… Mehr…
Baen, 1996. 2nd printing. Neither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneasy peace. But it is a peace filled with fear. Paperback. near fine paperback, Paul Alexander cover., Baen, 1996, 4<
Baen Books, 1996. Paperback. Very Good. Alexander, Paul. Some edge, corner, and spine edge wear. Small amrk inside of cover. 7 To qualify for refund (including original shipping cost) … Mehr…
Baen Books, 1996. Paperback. Very Good. Alexander, Paul. Some edge, corner, and spine edge wear. Small amrk inside of cover. 7 To qualify for refund (including original shipping cost) less $1.00, book(s) must be returned within 15 days., Baen Books, 1996, 3<
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THE PRODIGAL'S RETURNNeither side having proved capable of pressing their conflict to a successful conclusion, the Human-Orion war to end all interstellar wars has collapsed into an uneasy peace. But it is a peace filled with fear, hatred and mistrust on both sides. Then from out of a warp point notorious for devouring space ships, appears a ship from the dim mists of half-forgotten history. It responds to hails from the patrolling Orion sentry using ancient human codes from a long lost colony. And it opens fire on Orions, igniting the fires of interstellar war anew, in a quest to free Holy Mother Terra....
Detailangaben zum Buch - Crusade by David Weber Mass Market Paperback | Indigo Chapters
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780671721114 ISBN (ISBN-10): 0671721119 Taschenbuch Erscheinungsjahr: 2003 Herausgeber: David Weber 432 Seiten Gewicht: 0,197 kg Sprache: eng/Englisch
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-06-03T14:35:29+02:00 (Berlin) Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-12-30T04:23:29+01:00 (Berlin) ISBN/EAN: 0671721119
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen: 0-671-72111-9, 978-0-671-72111-4 Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe: Autor des Buches: dietmar schmidt david weber, weber david and white steve, paul weber, werner siefer christian weber, weber alexander, david peace, david holy Titel des Buches: crusade, terra, holy mother, starfire
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