Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women Poems Celebrating women - Erstausgabe
2013, ISBN: 9780679439554
Taschenbuch, Gebundene Ausgabe
New York. 1992. Random House. 1st Edition. Very Good in Dustjacket. 039457611x. 992 pages. hardcover.. FROM THE PUBLISHER - Only in our own time have writers and other artists been free t… Mehr…
New York. 1992. Random House. 1st Edition. Very Good in Dustjacket. 039457611x. 992 pages. hardcover.. FROM THE PUBLISHER - Only in our own time have writers and other artists been free to write, sing, and depict what they want. Girls Lean Back Everywhere shows how writers, artists, and their legal defenders achieved this precarious freedom by defeating, if only for the time being, their equally irrepressible antagonists. Girls Lean Back Everywhere is the story of how the arts in America finally came to be protected under the First Amendment, thanks to the stubborn resolve of a few artists, publishers, and exhibitors, together with the efforts of a handful of lawyers and the simple courage and moral brilliance of Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. But this book does far more than trace the triumph of a great legal principle. It is also a vivid portrait, told often in their own voices, of those remarkable twentieth-century artists who defied their powerful opponents and courageously insisted on their absolute right to free expression. Edward de Grazia has crafted an extraordinary chronicle of the battles fought and won in our century in behalf of free expression. In showing how this struggle affected the careers of such artists as Joyce, Lawrence, Edmund Wilson, Vladimir Nabokov, Henry Miller, William Burroughs, Lenny Bruce, and, in our own decade, Robert Mapplethorpe, Karen Finley, Holly Hughes, and others, de Grazia demonstrates the enormous price that these artists and our culture paid for their victories - the misery, the rejection, the energies wasted, the work not done. By the 1960s it had become clear that such writers as Joyce, Lawrence, Henry Miller, and William Burroughs were here to stay and that the Warren Court, led by Justice Brennan, was wise enough to ratify what the majority of Americans clearly wanted. But as de Grazia also shows in this brilliant book, the hand of the censor has not lost its cunning. inventory #16196 ISBN: 039457611x., 0, New York. 1999. Harcourt Brace. Advance Reading Copy. Very Good in Wrappers. 0151004943. 289 pages. paperback.. FROM THE PUBLISHER - Hugh Provan was a Modernist hero. A dreamer, a Socialist, a man of the people, he led Scotland's towerblock programme after the war. Now he lies on a bed on the eighteenth floor. The times have changed. His flats are coming down. The idealism he learned from his mother is gone. And even as his breath goes out he clings to the old ways. His wife sings her Scots ballads to soothe him, yet his final months are plagued by memory and loss, by a bitter sense of his family and his country, who could not live up to the houses he built for them. Meanwhile the corruption hearings bring their hammer down on the past. Hugh's grandson, Jamie, comes home to watch over his dying mentor. The old man's final months bring Jamie to see what is best and worst in the past that haunts them all, and he sees the fears of his own life unravel in the land that bred him. He tells the story of his own family - a tale of pride and delusion, of nationality and strong drink, of Catholic faith and the end of the old Left. It is a tale of dark hearts and modern houses, of three men in search of Utopia. Andrew O'Hagan has written a story which is a poignant and powerful reclamation of the past and a clear sighted gaze at our relationship with history, personal and public. inventory #27142 ISBN: 0151004943., 0, 2013. Paperback. New. Contents:- Vol. 1 # contents: Foreword 11: Acknowledgements. 15: Synopsis. 17: 1. My Guru’s Veiled Prophecy. 21: 2. Recollections of My Childhood. 28: Dad’s Love Reaching out Beyond His Family 28: My Childhood Days in Brief .30: An Early Introduction to Divinity 31: Falling in Love at 13 .31: Dr. Pinaz Rectified the Squint in My Eyes 32: The Approach Towards Life that Dad Wished I should Adopt 32: A Mentally Challenged Boy Joins our Family .33: 3. Divine Experiences with Maiji – My Parents’ Guru 35: Maiji’s Prophecy on our Missing Boy’s Safe Return Coming True .35: Her Timely Warning to Save Dad’s Life 37: Her Generosity in Meeting our Family’s Financial Needs 39: When she Cooked, the Food Just Multiplied .40: She Took over my 2 year old Sister Jasmine’s Pain .40: Maiji the Divine Doctor who Healed My Brother 41: Mum being Nursed back to Health by Maiji 41: Maiji gave up Her Life so that I May Live .42: 4. Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai’s Grace on Me. 45: My Quest for Divinity .45: “The Time is Not Yet Ripe for You to Come to My Ashram,” said Sai .46: Shirdi Sai’s Confirmation on His Rebirth as Sathya Sai .47: My Guru’s Timely Message Helped save Shilpi’s Life .50: Baba’s Wish for Me to Rise above My Worldly Desires .51: Give due Respect to your Parents’ Faith 51: Sathya Sai’s Miraculous Entry into our Home 51: The Lord Blessing Me by Appearing in His Multiple Forms 52: My First Experience of Sathya Sai’s Divinity 53: 6 A Glimpse of Joy (Vol. 1): “Be Prepared to Play the Role of a ‘Dasi’ in the Forthcoming: Drama,” said Baba 55: Baba Expressing Concern on My Bossiness 56: My Guru’s Reassurance on Improvement in My Vision 57: “Do not Turn away a Hungry Person,” Sai Instructed us 57: Baba Offering me Glimpses of His Life in His Shirdi Avatar .59: 5. The Unfortunate Turn in My Life 60: My First Meeting with Paul – a Healer .60: My Error in Assuming Paul to be a Divine Soul Like Maiji 62: The Miraculous Healings Left no Room for Doubt 63: I Left My Job in Obedience to Paul’s Command 63: Taken in by Paul’s Speech 64: Visits to Sick Homes and its Adverse Effect on My Health 65: Baba’s Wish that I Continue Praying over the Sick and the: Suffering 66: Baba’s Special Blessings .68: My Aunt’s Efforts to Make Me See Sense 68: “Indeed, you will Serve the Masses, but Never with Paul,” Baba: Prophesised .69: “You need to be Spiritually Strong to Cure Others’ Illnesses,”: Explained Maiji .71: The Time to Visit Baba’s Ashram at Parthi not yet Ripe 71: I Went by Baba’s Command - thus Offending Paul .72: Paul Entering our Home on the Pretext of Ill - health 73: The Divine Mother’s Command that I let Paul be in My Life till: She Permitted Me to do Otherwise .75: Unaware of the Game Afoot .76: Abuse by Paul that Left Me Shattered.77: Baba Shed Tears for Me .78: Paul’s Demand that I Isolate Myself from Everyone .78: One more Humiliating Experience 79: Peshotan’s Genuine Concern for My Well-being .80: Maiji Still in Favour of My Accompanying Paul to the: Healing Sessions .80: “Your Mind and Heart is Absolutely Clean in God’s Sight,”: Baba Reassured Me 82: The Hope of the Future Event that Kept Me Going 83: My Brother Peshotan’s Estrangement from Us 83: My Guru’s Message on the Drama Ending in two Years Time .85: One more of Paul’s Atrocities that I put up with .85: Medical Treatment too was Denied to Me .86: The Event of Paul’s Daughter’s Marriage 87: The Fear of Torture and Aabuse Consuming Me 88: Paul’s Silver Jubilee Function 89: contentss 7: I Started Earning to Ease Dad’s Burden .90: “You shall Read no Religious Book other than the Bible,”: Thundered Paul 90: Blessings of the Lord in His Various Forms 91: Baba Declares Me the Best Teacher! .92: Secured a Teacher’s Job at a Convent School 92: Staff Members’ Reaction to Paul Dropping Me to the School 94: Pressurised to Charge Double the Fees for the Tuition Classes .95: A Stranger Coming to My Aid 96: Students’ Reactions to Paul’s Presence at the School 96: Paul Ordered Me to Stay Away from all School Functions .97: Effort at Reaching Out to an Orphan Cut Short .97: Peshotan’s Appeal that I Keep in Touch with Him98: Baba Forgave Me for Being the Cause of Embarrassment to: My Family .98: Infant Jesus Lighting my Way .99: Baby Krishna Playing with Me in a Dream. 100: Repeated Reassurance by Baba – of the Beautiful Future Event. 100: Paul Expected Me to Support his Grandchild. 101: A Student’s Effort at Wiping My Tears. 101: Daily I Faced a Fresh Humiliation 102: An Insight into Him being the Indweller of My Heart 105: Offer of a Year’s Salary in Exchange of Promoting a Child 106: Circumstances Compelled Me to put in My Resignation 106: Baba’s Promise – the only Consolation 107: My Attempt at Self-defence Proved Disastrous. 108: After a Life Threatening Illness, I Lay in a Comatose State: at the Hospital. 108: The Abuse that I Underwent when I was Most Vulnerable 113: The Divine Mother’s Mercy Leading Me out of the Prison 114: Shifting Back to Home where Paul no Longer had an Entry 114: Baba’s Promise to Watch Over Me Unto the End 115: 6. Sai’s Guidance at Every Step 116: Re-entry of Peace into my Heart and Home 116: The Journey to the Lord – A Difficult One 117: Baba Foretelling my Future Role of Serving Mankind. 117: My Guru Accepted the Bhajanavali Composed by Me 118: Lord Krishna’s Appearance in a Dream. 119: “You can Never be a Good History Teacher,” Baba hinted 119: Forewarned of the Impending Death in My Family 121: Baba Credited Me with a Vast Improvement in My Vision 121: The Lord Foretelling My New Job Offer 123: My First Journey to Parthi – My Guru’s Abode 123: My Guru’s Prediction about My New Job coming True. 128: Dad’s Future being Foretold by Baba. 129: 8 A Glimpse of Joy (Vol. 1): 7. My Younger Brother, Jehangir’s Sad Demise. 131: Advance Intimation about My Brother’s Forthcoming Demise 131: My Inability to Teach History made Me Quit My Job. 137: Our Guru’s way of Conveying that My Brother was no more. 137: Dad’s Search for his Missing Child Still on. 139: My Dear Brother’s Final Rites. 140: Jehangir, My Late Brother’s Appearances in My Dream 143: 8. Sai Continues to Walk with Me. 145: One More of His Appearances 145: Guru Nanak’s Message in a Dream. 145: The Lord’s Repeated Prophecy of a Future Event. 145: One more Visit from Christ and Sai 146: Sai’s Message of 5 Years Ago Coming to Pass 148: Our Guru Acknowledged the Divinity Inherent in Me. 149: “Khurshid, You’ve Passed all the Exams,” Baba Consoled Me 150: My Guru Helped My Wounds Heal 151: The Promise of Protection from Sainath 151: On the Law of Karma. 153: An Insight into the Cause and Effect of Past Lives’ Karma 155: His Guidance to Enable me to Commence a Life of Selfless Actions 156: 9. A Gradual Awakening to the Divine’s Presence in: My Life 158: An Introspection Leading to Some Resolutions. 158: Baba’s Prediction of 5 Years Ago Coming True. 160: “Let the Divine be Your Partner,” My Guru said. 164: Sai’s Omniscience Making Itself Known 165: To Give up on Farokh was Heart Wrenching 166: Yearning for the Divine 167: A Trip to Parthi with My Relatives 168: Beginning to Acknowledge My Limitations. 170: My Guru Addressing Me as His One and Only Mother!. 171: Sai’s Call to My Mother 172: Baba Taught Me to Visualise Him in My Mother 173: My Guru’s Expectation that I Speak only the Truth. 174: Darshan should not be at the Cost of Duty 175: Lord Krishna’s Appearance to Me. 175: My Mother’s Unwavering Faith Withstanding His Trials 176: My Departed Brother Forewarning Me of an Impending Danger 179: Baba Blessing Peshotan with Financial Stability 180: Sai Consistently Working on My Self-esteem 181: “Please Update the Book of My Frequent Visits to You,”: my Guru Implored 182: contentss 9: 10. Employment Experiences while Baba Continuesto: Walk with Me 184: Job at Mazda Services was a Second Home to Me. 184: Baba Foretelling Me about a Mild Illness 185: On Dad being Granted a Long Life 187: Acquiring a Job by Influence Unacceptable to Him 188: HIS Compassionate Gaze Focused on Me 189: My Guru Taught Me to be Non-judgemental 191: The Lord’s Intimation of an Unavoidable Future Event. 191: HIS Grace Attainable through Sincere Prayers 192: I was Responsible for My Illness this Time. 192: The Unfortunate End of My Association with Mazda Services 193: “Mother, how can I let You Touch My feet?” Baba Questioned Me. 195: My Guru’s Healing Touch 196: Indignities I underwent at Mega Arts. 197: Baba’s Veiled Prophecy 199: HE willed that I shoulder a Larger Responsibility 199: From Mega Arts I Move to Venky’s. 201: My Guru’s Assurance to keep His Commitment. 202: A Short Trip to Shirdi 203: A New Chapter Unfolds Itself as I Join CRY 203: Farokh’s Invitation to his Wedding 206: Baba Reaching out to My Father. 207: Illness Made Dad Resign from His Job 209: The Put-downs that I Faced at CRY 210: I Bid Farewell to CRY 212: Dad’s Ill Health – A Nagging Concern. 215: Sai’s Timely Intervention Stopped Me from Slipping 216: Work Pressure at IBP Affects My Health 217: HE Willed that I Rejoin CRY. 218: Experiencing Bliss at My Guru’s Feet in Person and not in: a Dream. 220: “Pray, Pray Every Morning,” Baba Implored 222: A Glimpse into One of My Previous Lives. 223: Paying Dearly for Dishonouring My Commitment to God 223: Rejoining CRY at Rippan’s Request. 225: 11. On My Tenure at CRY and on My Guru’s Grace Taking: Different Forms227: An Unwelcome Re-entry into CRY 227: This Time I had No One to Blame Save Myself. 228: Manifestation of My Lord’s Omniscience. 229: “I’m Indebted to you for your Life-long Devotion to Me,” Sai: Told Dad 231: One More Eventful Trip to Parthi. 232: 10 A Glimpse of Joy (Vol. 1): Rippan’s Sharing on his Short Span of Life. 234: “Do You Mind Working from My Home?” Asked Rippan 235: Baba’s Veiled Prophecy about His Rebirth 8 Years Hence 237: Mother’s Lost Vision Restored. 238: Sai’s Viewpoint on an Issue where I was Misunderstood by Others. 238: My Guru’s Celestial Voice Addressing Me as ‘Mother’ 241: Do Not Limit Sai to His Physical form Alone 241: Fuiji and I Visit Shirdi. 242: Rippan Awaiting Baba’s Verdict on his Lifespan 242: Sai Blessing Me with a Life of Good Thoughts, Good Words and: Good Deeds 244: I Did Slip – but Corrected Myself in Time. 246: Sai Baba accepted My Offer to have Lunch with Me!. 247: Visions of the Lord in His Multiple Forms 248: Baba Intimating Me of the Exact Increment I was to Get 248: Every Dream of Mine was Coming True, I Realised. 250: My Faith in Him Being Put to Test 250: The Lord Never Gives Up on His Devotees. 261: Rippan’s Cry Seemed to go Unheard by Sai 262: “Should I Come to You Every Day?” Baba Asked Me!. 262: Nargish Aunty Befriends Me. 263: Glimpses into My Near and Distant Future 264: Sai Guides Me on My Family Matters. 266: “Who can Edit My Books?” I Asked My Guru 267: 12. My Misgivings on Accepting Sai’s Invitation 269: My Concerns on the Forthcoming Year Long Stay at Parthi 269: Seeking Approval from My Loved Ones to Move to Parthi. 273: Rippan’s Anguish at My Decision to Stay at Parthi 277: “You’re Sure to Blossom in His Garden,” Dad Assured Me. 279: Baba Wished that I Commence My Journey in May ’93. 280: Scraping Together Funds for the Parthi Trip 281: The Lord in His Multiple Roles 282: My Search for a Job in Parthi 283: Baba’s Clarification on what He Wished Me to do while in Parthi/: Whitefield 286: My Incomplete Surrender to His Will. 290: Lord Krishna Assuring Me of His Protection 292: My Last Meeting with Rippan. 293: Time to Bid Farewell to Home and Family 295: Commencing My Journey to My Lord’s Abode 296Vol. 2 # contents: Foreword 15: Acknowledgements. 19: Synopsis. 21: 1. My Faith in Baba’s Protection Put to Test. 23: Baba Provides Shelter at Affordable Rates .23: Feeling Vulnerable and Rootless without Family, Home and a: Steady Job .25: My Guru Sheds Tears at My Vulnerability of being on My Own.27: Lost and Utterly Lonely Among Thousands of Devotees .29: The Gloom Lifts as Sainath Acknowledges and Appreciates My: Presence 29: “Can You take over My Job of Cleaning the Path to the Temple?”: Baba Asked Me .31: An Unfortunate Event at Parthi .34: The Tragedy at Parthi Compounded my Accommodation Problem .35: Ashram Regulations Overruled due to Baba’s Grace .36: He Approved of My Efforts at Writing my Autobiography 36: My Guru Intimated Me that I’d Soon be Staying with Foreigners 37: Surrendering to His Will and giving Priority to His Books .38: He Willed that I Stay in His Company Till End February ’ 94 39: The Veil of Maya Lifts to Receive His Grace 39: Granting Me Continuity of His Protection Among all the: Uprooting 39: Days Spent in the Appalling Conditions at the Common Shed41: At the Mercy of a Stranger who Gave Me Free Shelter .43: Sai Teaches Me the Virtue of Forgiveness 45: Radhika Comes to My Rescue .48: Seeking Lord Zoroaster’s Blessings .49: No Better Company than My Divine Parent 50: 6 A Glimpse of Joy (Vol. 2): My Guru Desists from Acknowledging My Presence in Public 51: Negligence on the Doctors’ Part at the Parthi General Hospital .52: Our Guru Addressed Aban, My Best Friend as ‘Masi’ (Mother’s: Sister) 56: Baba’s Presence Eliminates my Longing for Human Company .57: 2. The Beginning of My Journey to Him. 59: Upon My Request, Sai Summons Dad to Whitefield within: 24 Hours 59: Made to Undergo Utter Depravation to Test My Faith in Him .59: Sai Ensures My Family’s Welfare in My Absence 63: I had Failed to Realize Our Guru’s Divine Powers .63: “I Meet Khurshid Quite Often,” Baba Told Nagmani .64: Resist the devil in the form of Earthly Temptations – the Lord: Tells Me .65: Glimpses of the Lord Dwelling in One and All .67: The World Shall have Proof from Me of My Visits to You .68: Our Relationship is that of a Mother and Child, You are My: Mother .70: Mother Sita Blessing My Sister 72: A New Friendship Materialises – with Rama and Sairama .72: He Responds to My Prayers Each Time 73: Experience Sai beyond His form .74: “You’re a Little Less in Your Head,” Baba Told Me Good: Humouredly 74: At My Guru’s Feet on the Parsi New Year 75: His Unique Sense of Humour 76: The Lord Wished that I Rejoin CRY and not the Corporate World .77: Lending a Helping Hand to Sairama.78: I Learnt not to Get Lost in Rituals or Limit God to any Form .80: My Dream of Years ago Coming True .80: Gladys Providing Me with the Much Needed Warmth and Affection 80: “There is no Separation for us, my Beloved Child.” 81: His Humility and Divine Friendship Moved Me to the Core .83: My Guru Emphasised that He was My Parent .83: Sai Proved that He would not Forsake Me .85: Sai Foretelling His Arrival in the form of Sunbeam Children .86: To Genuinely Love and Grow Spiritually, I Needed to Become a: Forgiving Person .87: A Birthday Gift from Baba 89: Reassurances from My Guru Regarding th, 2013, 6, Maya Angelou's unforgettable collection of poetry lends its name to the documentary film about her life, And Still I Rise, as seen on PBS's American Masters.Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's sizeBut when I start to tell them,They think I'm telling lies.I say,It's in the reach of my arms,The span of my hips,The stride of my step,The curl of my lips.I'm a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,That's me. Thus begins "Phenomenal Woman," just one of the beloved poems collected here in Maya Angelou's third book of verse. These poems are powerful, distinctive, and freshand, as always, full of the lifting rhythms of love and remembering. And Still I Rise is written from the heart, a celebration of life as only Maya Angelou has discovered it."It is true poetry she is writing," M.F.K. Fisher has observed, "not just rhythm, the beat, rhymes. I find it very moving and at times beautiful. It has an innate purity about it, unquenchable dignity. . . . It is astounding, flabbergasting, to recognize it, in all the words I read every day and night . . . it gives me heart, to hear so clearly the caged bird singing and to understand her notes.".Four critically acclaimed poems--""Phenomenal Woman,"" ""And Still I Rise,"" ""Weekend Glory,"" and ""Our Grandmothers""--celebrate the accomplishments of very special women, 1978, 0<
usa, u.. | |
Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women : Poems Celebrating women - gebrauchtes Buch
1978, ISBN: 9780679439554
Maya Angelou's unforgettable collection of poetry lends its name to the documentary film about her life, And Still I Rise, as seen on PBS's American Masters.Pretty women wonder where my s… Mehr…
Maya Angelou's unforgettable collection of poetry lends its name to the documentary film about her life, And Still I Rise, as seen on PBS's American Masters.Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's sizeBut when I start to tell them,They think I'm telling lies.I say,It's in the reach of my arms,The span of my hips,The stride of my step,The curl of my lips.I'm a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,That's me. Thus begins "Phenomenal Woman," just one of the beloved poems collected here in Maya Angelou's third book of verse. These poems are powerful, distinctive, and freshand, as always, full of the lifting rhythms of love and remembering. And Still I Rise is written from the heart, a celebration of life as only Maya Angelou has discovered it."It is true poetry she is writing," M.F.K. Fisher has observed, "not just rhythm, the beat, rhymes. I find it very moving and at times beautiful. It has an innate purity about it, unquenchable dignity. . . . It is astounding, flabbergasting, to recognize it, in all the words I read every day and night . . . it gives me heart, to hear so clearly the caged bird singing and to understand her notes.".Four critically acclaimed poems--""Phenomenal Woman,"" ""And Still I Rise,"" ""Weekend Glory,"" and ""Our Grandmothers""--celebrate the accomplishments of very special women, 1978, 0< |
Phenomenal Woman: Poems Celebrating Women - gebrauchtes Buch
1994, ISBN: 0679439552
[EAN: 9780679439554], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: Random House], AUDIO CASSETTE, 1 AUDIO CASSETTE, tested for your satisfaction for a worthwhile set, in the original printed box. Some … Mehr…
[EAN: 9780679439554], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: Random House], AUDIO CASSETTE, 1 AUDIO CASSETTE, tested for your satisfaction for a worthwhile set, in the original printed box. Some shelf wear to the box. The audio cassette is in an individual slot, protected and clear sounding. Enjoy this worthwhile audio production., Books< The Yard Sale Store, Narrowsburg, NY, U.S.A. [50261081] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 36.72 Details... |
Phenomenal Woman: Poems Celebrating Women - gebrauchtes Buch
1994, ISBN: 9780679439554
Random House, 1994. Audio Book. Good. AUDIO CASSETTE. 1 AUDIO CASSETTE, tested for your satisfaction for a worthwhile set, in the original printed box. Some shelf wear to the box. The au… Mehr…
Random House, 1994. Audio Book. Good. AUDIO CASSETTE. 1 AUDIO CASSETTE, tested for your satisfaction for a worthwhile set, in the original printed box. Some shelf wear to the box. The audio cassette is in an individual slot, protected and clear sounding. Enjoy this worthwhile audio production.., Random House, 1994, 2.5< |
Phenomenal Woman - gebrauchtes Buch
1995, ISBN: 9780679439554
Random. Good. 1995. Audio Cassette. 0679439552 (M104) ., Random, 1995, 2.5 |
Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women Poems Celebrating women - Erstausgabe
2013, ISBN: 9780679439554
Taschenbuch, Gebundene Ausgabe
New York. 1992. Random House. 1st Edition. Very Good in Dustjacket. 039457611x. 992 pages. hardcover.. FROM THE PUBLISHER - Only in our own time have writers and other artists been free t… Mehr…
New York. 1992. Random House. 1st Edition. Very Good in Dustjacket. 039457611x. 992 pages. hardcover.. FROM THE PUBLISHER - Only in our own time have writers and other artists been free to write, sing, and depict what they want. Girls Lean Back Everywhere shows how writers, artists, and their legal defenders achieved this precarious freedom by defeating, if only for the time being, their equally irrepressible antagonists. Girls Lean Back Everywhere is the story of how the arts in America finally came to be protected under the First Amendment, thanks to the stubborn resolve of a few artists, publishers, and exhibitors, together with the efforts of a handful of lawyers and the simple courage and moral brilliance of Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. But this book does far more than trace the triumph of a great legal principle. It is also a vivid portrait, told often in their own voices, of those remarkable twentieth-century artists who defied their powerful opponents and courageously insisted on their absolute right to free expression. Edward de Grazia has crafted an extraordinary chronicle of the battles fought and won in our century in behalf of free expression. In showing how this struggle affected the careers of such artists as Joyce, Lawrence, Edmund Wilson, Vladimir Nabokov, Henry Miller, William Burroughs, Lenny Bruce, and, in our own decade, Robert Mapplethorpe, Karen Finley, Holly Hughes, and others, de Grazia demonstrates the enormous price that these artists and our culture paid for their victories - the misery, the rejection, the energies wasted, the work not done. By the 1960s it had become clear that such writers as Joyce, Lawrence, Henry Miller, and William Burroughs were here to stay and that the Warren Court, led by Justice Brennan, was wise enough to ratify what the majority of Americans clearly wanted. But as de Grazia also shows in this brilliant book, the hand of the censor has not lost its cunning. inventory #16196 ISBN: 039457611x., 0, New York. 1999. Harcourt Brace. Advance Reading Copy. Very Good in Wrappers. 0151004943. 289 pages. paperback.. FROM THE PUBLISHER - Hugh Provan was a Modernist hero. A dreamer, a Socialist, a man of the people, he led Scotland's towerblock programme after the war. Now he lies on a bed on the eighteenth floor. The times have changed. His flats are coming down. The idealism he learned from his mother is gone. And even as his breath goes out he clings to the old ways. His wife sings her Scots ballads to soothe him, yet his final months are plagued by memory and loss, by a bitter sense of his family and his country, who could not live up to the houses he built for them. Meanwhile the corruption hearings bring their hammer down on the past. Hugh's grandson, Jamie, comes home to watch over his dying mentor. The old man's final months bring Jamie to see what is best and worst in the past that haunts them all, and he sees the fears of his own life unravel in the land that bred him. He tells the story of his own family - a tale of pride and delusion, of nationality and strong drink, of Catholic faith and the end of the old Left. It is a tale of dark hearts and modern houses, of three men in search of Utopia. Andrew O'Hagan has written a story which is a poignant and powerful reclamation of the past and a clear sighted gaze at our relationship with history, personal and public. inventory #27142 ISBN: 0151004943., 0, 2013. Paperback. New. Contents:- Vol. 1 # contents: Foreword 11: Acknowledgements. 15: Synopsis. 17: 1. My Guru’s Veiled Prophecy. 21: 2. Recollections of My Childhood. 28: Dad’s Love Reaching out Beyond His Family 28: My Childhood Days in Brief .30: An Early Introduction to Divinity 31: Falling in Love at 13 .31: Dr. Pinaz Rectified the Squint in My Eyes 32: The Approach Towards Life that Dad Wished I should Adopt 32: A Mentally Challenged Boy Joins our Family .33: 3. Divine Experiences with Maiji – My Parents’ Guru 35: Maiji’s Prophecy on our Missing Boy’s Safe Return Coming True .35: Her Timely Warning to Save Dad’s Life 37: Her Generosity in Meeting our Family’s Financial Needs 39: When she Cooked, the Food Just Multiplied .40: She Took over my 2 year old Sister Jasmine’s Pain .40: Maiji the Divine Doctor who Healed My Brother 41: Mum being Nursed back to Health by Maiji 41: Maiji gave up Her Life so that I May Live .42: 4. Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai’s Grace on Me. 45: My Quest for Divinity .45: “The Time is Not Yet Ripe for You to Come to My Ashram,” said Sai .46: Shirdi Sai’s Confirmation on His Rebirth as Sathya Sai .47: My Guru’s Timely Message Helped save Shilpi’s Life .50: Baba’s Wish for Me to Rise above My Worldly Desires .51: Give due Respect to your Parents’ Faith 51: Sathya Sai’s Miraculous Entry into our Home 51: The Lord Blessing Me by Appearing in His Multiple Forms 52: My First Experience of Sathya Sai’s Divinity 53: 6 A Glimpse of Joy (Vol. 1): “Be Prepared to Play the Role of a ‘Dasi’ in the Forthcoming: Drama,” said Baba 55: Baba Expressing Concern on My Bossiness 56: My Guru’s Reassurance on Improvement in My Vision 57: “Do not Turn away a Hungry Person,” Sai Instructed us 57: Baba Offering me Glimpses of His Life in His Shirdi Avatar .59: 5. The Unfortunate Turn in My Life 60: My First Meeting with Paul – a Healer .60: My Error in Assuming Paul to be a Divine Soul Like Maiji 62: The Miraculous Healings Left no Room for Doubt 63: I Left My Job in Obedience to Paul’s Command 63: Taken in by Paul’s Speech 64: Visits to Sick Homes and its Adverse Effect on My Health 65: Baba’s Wish that I Continue Praying over the Sick and the: Suffering 66: Baba’s Special Blessings .68: My Aunt’s Efforts to Make Me See Sense 68: “Indeed, you will Serve the Masses, but Never with Paul,” Baba: Prophesised .69: “You need to be Spiritually Strong to Cure Others’ Illnesses,”: Explained Maiji .71: The Time to Visit Baba’s Ashram at Parthi not yet Ripe 71: I Went by Baba’s Command - thus Offending Paul .72: Paul Entering our Home on the Pretext of Ill - health 73: The Divine Mother’s Command that I let Paul be in My Life till: She Permitted Me to do Otherwise .75: Unaware of the Game Afoot .76: Abuse by Paul that Left Me Shattered.77: Baba Shed Tears for Me .78: Paul’s Demand that I Isolate Myself from Everyone .78: One more Humiliating Experience 79: Peshotan’s Genuine Concern for My Well-being .80: Maiji Still in Favour of My Accompanying Paul to the: Healing Sessions .80: “Your Mind and Heart is Absolutely Clean in God’s Sight,”: Baba Reassured Me 82: The Hope of the Future Event that Kept Me Going 83: My Brother Peshotan’s Estrangement from Us 83: My Guru’s Message on the Drama Ending in two Years Time .85: One more of Paul’s Atrocities that I put up with .85: Medical Treatment too was Denied to Me .86: The Event of Paul’s Daughter’s Marriage 87: The Fear of Torture and Aabuse Consuming Me 88: Paul’s Silver Jubilee Function 89: contentss 7: I Started Earning to Ease Dad’s Burden .90: “You shall Read no Religious Book other than the Bible,”: Thundered Paul 90: Blessings of the Lord in His Various Forms 91: Baba Declares Me the Best Teacher! .92: Secured a Teacher’s Job at a Convent School 92: Staff Members’ Reaction to Paul Dropping Me to the School 94: Pressurised to Charge Double the Fees for the Tuition Classes .95: A Stranger Coming to My Aid 96: Students’ Reactions to Paul’s Presence at the School 96: Paul Ordered Me to Stay Away from all School Functions .97: Effort at Reaching Out to an Orphan Cut Short .97: Peshotan’s Appeal that I Keep in Touch with Him98: Baba Forgave Me for Being the Cause of Embarrassment to: My Family .98: Infant Jesus Lighting my Way .99: Baby Krishna Playing with Me in a Dream. 100: Repeated Reassurance by Baba – of the Beautiful Future Event. 100: Paul Expected Me to Support his Grandchild. 101: A Student’s Effort at Wiping My Tears. 101: Daily I Faced a Fresh Humiliation 102: An Insight into Him being the Indweller of My Heart 105: Offer of a Year’s Salary in Exchange of Promoting a Child 106: Circumstances Compelled Me to put in My Resignation 106: Baba’s Promise – the only Consolation 107: My Attempt at Self-defence Proved Disastrous. 108: After a Life Threatening Illness, I Lay in a Comatose State: at the Hospital. 108: The Abuse that I Underwent when I was Most Vulnerable 113: The Divine Mother’s Mercy Leading Me out of the Prison 114: Shifting Back to Home where Paul no Longer had an Entry 114: Baba’s Promise to Watch Over Me Unto the End 115: 6. Sai’s Guidance at Every Step 116: Re-entry of Peace into my Heart and Home 116: The Journey to the Lord – A Difficult One 117: Baba Foretelling my Future Role of Serving Mankind. 117: My Guru Accepted the Bhajanavali Composed by Me 118: Lord Krishna’s Appearance in a Dream. 119: “You can Never be a Good History Teacher,” Baba hinted 119: Forewarned of the Impending Death in My Family 121: Baba Credited Me with a Vast Improvement in My Vision 121: The Lord Foretelling My New Job Offer 123: My First Journey to Parthi – My Guru’s Abode 123: My Guru’s Prediction about My New Job coming True. 128: Dad’s Future being Foretold by Baba. 129: 8 A Glimpse of Joy (Vol. 1): 7. My Younger Brother, Jehangir’s Sad Demise. 131: Advance Intimation about My Brother’s Forthcoming Demise 131: My Inability to Teach History made Me Quit My Job. 137: Our Guru’s way of Conveying that My Brother was no more. 137: Dad’s Search for his Missing Child Still on. 139: My Dear Brother’s Final Rites. 140: Jehangir, My Late Brother’s Appearances in My Dream 143: 8. Sai Continues to Walk with Me. 145: One More of His Appearances 145: Guru Nanak’s Message in a Dream. 145: The Lord’s Repeated Prophecy of a Future Event. 145: One more Visit from Christ and Sai 146: Sai’s Message of 5 Years Ago Coming to Pass 148: Our Guru Acknowledged the Divinity Inherent in Me. 149: “Khurshid, You’ve Passed all the Exams,” Baba Consoled Me 150: My Guru Helped My Wounds Heal 151: The Promise of Protection from Sainath 151: On the Law of Karma. 153: An Insight into the Cause and Effect of Past Lives’ Karma 155: His Guidance to Enable me to Commence a Life of Selfless Actions 156: 9. A Gradual Awakening to the Divine’s Presence in: My Life 158: An Introspection Leading to Some Resolutions. 158: Baba’s Prediction of 5 Years Ago Coming True. 160: “Let the Divine be Your Partner,” My Guru said. 164: Sai’s Omniscience Making Itself Known 165: To Give up on Farokh was Heart Wrenching 166: Yearning for the Divine 167: A Trip to Parthi with My Relatives 168: Beginning to Acknowledge My Limitations. 170: My Guru Addressing Me as His One and Only Mother!. 171: Sai’s Call to My Mother 172: Baba Taught Me to Visualise Him in My Mother 173: My Guru’s Expectation that I Speak only the Truth. 174: Darshan should not be at the Cost of Duty 175: Lord Krishna’s Appearance to Me. 175: My Mother’s Unwavering Faith Withstanding His Trials 176: My Departed Brother Forewarning Me of an Impending Danger 179: Baba Blessing Peshotan with Financial Stability 180: Sai Consistently Working on My Self-esteem 181: “Please Update the Book of My Frequent Visits to You,”: my Guru Implored 182: contentss 9: 10. Employment Experiences while Baba Continuesto: Walk with Me 184: Job at Mazda Services was a Second Home to Me. 184: Baba Foretelling Me about a Mild Illness 185: On Dad being Granted a Long Life 187: Acquiring a Job by Influence Unacceptable to Him 188: HIS Compassionate Gaze Focused on Me 189: My Guru Taught Me to be Non-judgemental 191: The Lord’s Intimation of an Unavoidable Future Event. 191: HIS Grace Attainable through Sincere Prayers 192: I was Responsible for My Illness this Time. 192: The Unfortunate End of My Association with Mazda Services 193: “Mother, how can I let You Touch My feet?” Baba Questioned Me. 195: My Guru’s Healing Touch 196: Indignities I underwent at Mega Arts. 197: Baba’s Veiled Prophecy 199: HE willed that I shoulder a Larger Responsibility 199: From Mega Arts I Move to Venky’s. 201: My Guru’s Assurance to keep His Commitment. 202: A Short Trip to Shirdi 203: A New Chapter Unfolds Itself as I Join CRY 203: Farokh’s Invitation to his Wedding 206: Baba Reaching out to My Father. 207: Illness Made Dad Resign from His Job 209: The Put-downs that I Faced at CRY 210: I Bid Farewell to CRY 212: Dad’s Ill Health – A Nagging Concern. 215: Sai’s Timely Intervention Stopped Me from Slipping 216: Work Pressure at IBP Affects My Health 217: HE Willed that I Rejoin CRY. 218: Experiencing Bliss at My Guru’s Feet in Person and not in: a Dream. 220: “Pray, Pray Every Morning,” Baba Implored 222: A Glimpse into One of My Previous Lives. 223: Paying Dearly for Dishonouring My Commitment to God 223: Rejoining CRY at Rippan’s Request. 225: 11. On My Tenure at CRY and on My Guru’s Grace Taking: Different Forms227: An Unwelcome Re-entry into CRY 227: This Time I had No One to Blame Save Myself. 228: Manifestation of My Lord’s Omniscience. 229: “I’m Indebted to you for your Life-long Devotion to Me,” Sai: Told Dad 231: One More Eventful Trip to Parthi. 232: 10 A Glimpse of Joy (Vol. 1): Rippan’s Sharing on his Short Span of Life. 234: “Do You Mind Working from My Home?” Asked Rippan 235: Baba’s Veiled Prophecy about His Rebirth 8 Years Hence 237: Mother’s Lost Vision Restored. 238: Sai’s Viewpoint on an Issue where I was Misunderstood by Others. 238: My Guru’s Celestial Voice Addressing Me as ‘Mother’ 241: Do Not Limit Sai to His Physical form Alone 241: Fuiji and I Visit Shirdi. 242: Rippan Awaiting Baba’s Verdict on his Lifespan 242: Sai Blessing Me with a Life of Good Thoughts, Good Words and: Good Deeds 244: I Did Slip – but Corrected Myself in Time. 246: Sai Baba accepted My Offer to have Lunch with Me!. 247: Visions of the Lord in His Multiple Forms 248: Baba Intimating Me of the Exact Increment I was to Get 248: Every Dream of Mine was Coming True, I Realised. 250: My Faith in Him Being Put to Test 250: The Lord Never Gives Up on His Devotees. 261: Rippan’s Cry Seemed to go Unheard by Sai 262: “Should I Come to You Every Day?” Baba Asked Me!. 262: Nargish Aunty Befriends Me. 263: Glimpses into My Near and Distant Future 264: Sai Guides Me on My Family Matters. 266: “Who can Edit My Books?” I Asked My Guru 267: 12. My Misgivings on Accepting Sai’s Invitation 269: My Concerns on the Forthcoming Year Long Stay at Parthi 269: Seeking Approval from My Loved Ones to Move to Parthi. 273: Rippan’s Anguish at My Decision to Stay at Parthi 277: “You’re Sure to Blossom in His Garden,” Dad Assured Me. 279: Baba Wished that I Commence My Journey in May ’93. 280: Scraping Together Funds for the Parthi Trip 281: The Lord in His Multiple Roles 282: My Search for a Job in Parthi 283: Baba’s Clarification on what He Wished Me to do while in Parthi/: Whitefield 286: My Incomplete Surrender to His Will. 290: Lord Krishna Assuring Me of His Protection 292: My Last Meeting with Rippan. 293: Time to Bid Farewell to Home and Family 295: Commencing My Journey to My Lord’s Abode 296Vol. 2 # contents: Foreword 15: Acknowledgements. 19: Synopsis. 21: 1. My Faith in Baba’s Protection Put to Test. 23: Baba Provides Shelter at Affordable Rates .23: Feeling Vulnerable and Rootless without Family, Home and a: Steady Job .25: My Guru Sheds Tears at My Vulnerability of being on My Own.27: Lost and Utterly Lonely Among Thousands of Devotees .29: The Gloom Lifts as Sainath Acknowledges and Appreciates My: Presence 29: “Can You take over My Job of Cleaning the Path to the Temple?”: Baba Asked Me .31: An Unfortunate Event at Parthi .34: The Tragedy at Parthi Compounded my Accommodation Problem .35: Ashram Regulations Overruled due to Baba’s Grace .36: He Approved of My Efforts at Writing my Autobiography 36: My Guru Intimated Me that I’d Soon be Staying with Foreigners 37: Surrendering to His Will and giving Priority to His Books .38: He Willed that I Stay in His Company Till End February ’ 94 39: The Veil of Maya Lifts to Receive His Grace 39: Granting Me Continuity of His Protection Among all the: Uprooting 39: Days Spent in the Appalling Conditions at the Common Shed41: At the Mercy of a Stranger who Gave Me Free Shelter .43: Sai Teaches Me the Virtue of Forgiveness 45: Radhika Comes to My Rescue .48: Seeking Lord Zoroaster’s Blessings .49: No Better Company than My Divine Parent 50: 6 A Glimpse of Joy (Vol. 2): My Guru Desists from Acknowledging My Presence in Public 51: Negligence on the Doctors’ Part at the Parthi General Hospital .52: Our Guru Addressed Aban, My Best Friend as ‘Masi’ (Mother’s: Sister) 56: Baba’s Presence Eliminates my Longing for Human Company .57: 2. The Beginning of My Journey to Him. 59: Upon My Request, Sai Summons Dad to Whitefield within: 24 Hours 59: Made to Undergo Utter Depravation to Test My Faith in Him .59: Sai Ensures My Family’s Welfare in My Absence 63: I had Failed to Realize Our Guru’s Divine Powers .63: “I Meet Khurshid Quite Often,” Baba Told Nagmani .64: Resist the devil in the form of Earthly Temptations – the Lord: Tells Me .65: Glimpses of the Lord Dwelling in One and All .67: The World Shall have Proof from Me of My Visits to You .68: Our Relationship is that of a Mother and Child, You are My: Mother .70: Mother Sita Blessing My Sister 72: A New Friendship Materialises – with Rama and Sairama .72: He Responds to My Prayers Each Time 73: Experience Sai beyond His form .74: “You’re a Little Less in Your Head,” Baba Told Me Good: Humouredly 74: At My Guru’s Feet on the Parsi New Year 75: His Unique Sense of Humour 76: The Lord Wished that I Rejoin CRY and not the Corporate World .77: Lending a Helping Hand to Sairama.78: I Learnt not to Get Lost in Rituals or Limit God to any Form .80: My Dream of Years ago Coming True .80: Gladys Providing Me with the Much Needed Warmth and Affection 80: “There is no Separation for us, my Beloved Child.” 81: His Humility and Divine Friendship Moved Me to the Core .83: My Guru Emphasised that He was My Parent .83: Sai Proved that He would not Forsake Me .85: Sai Foretelling His Arrival in the form of Sunbeam Children .86: To Genuinely Love and Grow Spiritually, I Needed to Become a: Forgiving Person .87: A Birthday Gift from Baba 89: Reassurances from My Guru Regarding th, 2013, 6, Maya Angelou's unforgettable collection of poetry lends its name to the documentary film about her life, And Still I Rise, as seen on PBS's American Masters.Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's sizeBut when I start to tell them,They think I'm telling lies.I say,It's in the reach of my arms,The span of my hips,The stride of my step,The curl of my lips.I'm a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,That's me. Thus begins "Phenomenal Woman," just one of the beloved poems collected here in Maya Angelou's third book of verse. These poems are powerful, distinctive, and freshand, as always, full of the lifting rhythms of love and remembering. And Still I Rise is written from the heart, a celebration of life as only Maya Angelou has discovered it."It is true poetry she is writing," M.F.K. Fisher has observed, "not just rhythm, the beat, rhymes. I find it very moving and at times beautiful. It has an innate purity about it, unquenchable dignity. . . . It is astounding, flabbergasting, to recognize it, in all the words I read every day and night . . . it gives me heart, to hear so clearly the caged bird singing and to understand her notes.".Four critically acclaimed poems--""Phenomenal Woman,"" ""And Still I Rise,"" ""Weekend Glory,"" and ""Our Grandmothers""--celebrate the accomplishments of very special women, 1978, 0<
Maya Angelou:
Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women : Poems Celebrating women - gebrauchtes Buch1978, ISBN: 9780679439554
Maya Angelou's unforgettable collection of poetry lends its name to the documentary film about her life, And Still I Rise, as seen on PBS's American Masters.Pretty women wonder where my s… Mehr…
Maya Angelou's unforgettable collection of poetry lends its name to the documentary film about her life, And Still I Rise, as seen on PBS's American Masters.Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's sizeBut when I start to tell them,They think I'm telling lies.I say,It's in the reach of my arms,The span of my hips,The stride of my step,The curl of my lips.I'm a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,That's me. Thus begins "Phenomenal Woman," just one of the beloved poems collected here in Maya Angelou's third book of verse. These poems are powerful, distinctive, and freshand, as always, full of the lifting rhythms of love and remembering. And Still I Rise is written from the heart, a celebration of life as only Maya Angelou has discovered it."It is true poetry she is writing," M.F.K. Fisher has observed, "not just rhythm, the beat, rhymes. I find it very moving and at times beautiful. It has an innate purity about it, unquenchable dignity. . . . It is astounding, flabbergasting, to recognize it, in all the words I read every day and night . . . it gives me heart, to hear so clearly the caged bird singing and to understand her notes.".Four critically acclaimed poems--""Phenomenal Woman,"" ""And Still I Rise,"" ""Weekend Glory,"" and ""Our Grandmothers""--celebrate the accomplishments of very special women, 1978, 0<
Phenomenal Woman: Poems Celebrating Women - gebrauchtes Buch
ISBN: 0679439552
[EAN: 9780679439554], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: Random House], AUDIO CASSETTE, 1 AUDIO CASSETTE, tested for your satisfaction for a worthwhile set, in the original printed box. Some … Mehr…
[EAN: 9780679439554], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: Random House], AUDIO CASSETTE, 1 AUDIO CASSETTE, tested for your satisfaction for a worthwhile set, in the original printed box. Some shelf wear to the box. The audio cassette is in an individual slot, protected and clear sounding. Enjoy this worthwhile audio production., Books<
Phenomenal Woman: Poems Celebrating Women - gebrauchtes Buch
1994, ISBN: 9780679439554
Random House, 1994. Audio Book. Good. AUDIO CASSETTE. 1 AUDIO CASSETTE, tested for your satisfaction for a worthwhile set, in the original printed box. Some shelf wear to the box. The au… Mehr…
Random House, 1994. Audio Book. Good. AUDIO CASSETTE. 1 AUDIO CASSETTE, tested for your satisfaction for a worthwhile set, in the original printed box. Some shelf wear to the box. The audio cassette is in an individual slot, protected and clear sounding. Enjoy this worthwhile audio production.., Random House, 1994, 2.5<
Phenomenal Woman - gebrauchtes Buch
1995, ISBN: 9780679439554
Random. Good. 1995. Audio Cassette. 0679439552 (M104) ., Random, 1995, 2.5
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EAN (ISBN-13): 9780679439554
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0679439552
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1994
Herausgeber: Random House Audio
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2008-06-10T15:16:29+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-05-19T18:54:38+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 0679439552
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-679-43955-2, 978-0-679-43955-4
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: maya angelou
Titel des Buches: poems, phenomenal woman
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9780307807625 Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women Maya Angelou Author (Maya Angelou)
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