The SFWA European Hall of Fame : Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent by James, Morrow, Kathryn Morrow - gebrauchtes Buch
ISBN: 9780765315366
This is the best book of its kind in at least two decades. It is a literate, intelligent book of powerful SF stories from across Europe. These tales are representativeof the best writers … Mehr… used in stock. Versandkosten:zzgl. Versandkosten. Details... |
The SFWA European Hall of Fame Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent - Erstausgabe
1536, ISBN: 076531536X
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780765315366], [SC: 18.63], [PU: A Tor Book / Tom Doherty Associates, LLC 978-0-7653-1536-6, New York], SCIENCE FICTION, EUROPEAN LITERATURE, SHORT STORIES NOISBN, Jacket, [978-0-7… Mehr…
cdn | Spafford Books (ABAC / ILAB), Regina, SK, Canada [483199] [Rating: 4 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 18.63 Details... |
The SFWA European Hall of Fame Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent - Erstausgabe
1536, ISBN: 076531536X
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780765315366], [SC: 18.62], [PU: A Tor Book / Tom Doherty Associates, LLC 978-0-7653-1536-6, New York], SCIENCE FICTION, EUROPEAN LITERATURE, SHORT STORIES NOISBN, Jacket, [978-0-7… Mehr…
cdn | Spafford Books (ABAC / ILAB), Regina, SK, Canada [483199] [Rating: 4 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 18.62 Details... |
The SFWA European Hall of Fame Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent - Erstausgabe
2007, ISBN: 9780765315366
Gebundene Ausgabe
New York: A Tor Book / Tom Doherty Associates, LLC 978-0-7653-1536-6 [978-0-7653-1536-6] 2007, 1st edition. (hardcover) 336pp. As new in as new dust jacket. 8vo. As new. Related ephe… Mehr… |
Sfwa European Hall of Fame: Sixteen Contemporary Science Fiction Classics from the Continent - gebunden oder broschiert
2007, ISBN: 9780765315366
Tor Books, Gebundene Ausgabe, 336 Seiten, Publiziert: 2007-06-30T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 1.2 kg, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Kategorien, Bücher, Fremdsprachige Bücher, Featured Cat… Mehr… ZOverstocksDE Gut Versandkosten:Auf Lager. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.00) Details... |
The SFWA European Hall of Fame : Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent by James, Morrow, Kathryn Morrow - gebrauchtes Buch
ISBN: 9780765315366
This is the best book of its kind in at least two decades. It is a literate, intelligent book of powerful SF stories from across Europe. These tales are representativeof the best writers … Mehr…
Morrow, James and Morrow, Kathryn (editor):
The SFWA European Hall of Fame Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent - Erstausgabe1536, ISBN: 076531536X
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780765315366], [SC: 18.63], [PU: A Tor Book / Tom Doherty Associates, LLC 978-0-7653-1536-6, New York], SCIENCE FICTION, EUROPEAN LITERATURE, SHORT STORIES NOISBN, Jacket, [978-0-7… Mehr…
The SFWA European Hall of Fame Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent - Erstausgabe
ISBN: 076531536X
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780765315366], [SC: 18.62], [PU: A Tor Book / Tom Doherty Associates, LLC 978-0-7653-1536-6, New York], SCIENCE FICTION, EUROPEAN LITERATURE, SHORT STORIES NOISBN, Jacket, [978-0-7… Mehr…
The SFWA European Hall of Fame Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent - Erstausgabe
2007, ISBN: 9780765315366
Gebundene Ausgabe
New York: A Tor Book / Tom Doherty Associates, LLC 978-0-7653-1536-6 [978-0-7653-1536-6] 2007, 1st edition. (hardcover) 336pp. As new in as new dust jacket. 8vo. As new. Related ephe… Mehr…
Sfwa European Hall of Fame: Sixteen Contemporary Science Fiction Classics from the Continent - gebunden oder broschiert
2007, ISBN: 9780765315366
Tor Books, Gebundene Ausgabe, 336 Seiten, Publiziert: 2007-06-30T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 1.2 kg, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Kategorien, Bücher, Fremdsprachige Bücher, Featured Cat… Mehr…
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Sfwa European Hall of Fame: Sixteen Contemporary Science Fiction Classics from the Continent
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780765315366
ISBN (ISBN-10): 076531536X
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Herausgeber: Tor Books
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-07-01T02:09:59+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2025-01-02T22:35:30+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 076531536X
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-7653-1536-X, 978-0-7653-1536-6
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: ames, morrow james, andreas eschbach, sinisalo, evangelisti valerio
Titel des Buches: sfwa european hall fame sixteen contemporary masterpieces science fiction continent, the science fiction hall fame, last continent, hall first fame
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