1996, ISBN: 0801432324
[EAN: 9780801432323], Near Fine, [PU: Cornell University Press], Jacket, Crisp, bright, and clean; except for mild shelf rubbing at corners and spine ends of hard cover and dust jacket, a… Mehr…
AbeBooks.de The Haunted Bookshop, LLC, Iowa City, IA, U.S.A. [270543] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 4.50 Details... |

1996, ISBN: 9780801432323
NCROL, Hardcover, 188 Seiten, Publiziert: 1996-06T, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.5 kg, Verkaufsrang: 7596093, Roman Catholicism, Catholicism, Christian Books & Bibles, Subjects, Books, Saints, … Mehr…
amazon.com Versandkosten:Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 14.81) Details... |

1996, ISBN: 9780801432323
Hardcover, Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, and may not include cd-rom or a… Mehr…
alibris.co.uk |

1996, ISBN: 9780801432323
Cornell Univ Pr, June, 1996. Hardcover. Very Good. in x in x in. A nice copy. Clean text, solid binding. 45.00, Cornell Univ Pr, 3
Biblio.co.uk |

1996, ISBN: 0801432324
[EAN: 9780801432323], Neubuch, [PU: NCROL], Books
AbeBooks.de Big Bill's Books, Austin, TX, U.S.A. [74145536] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 3.00 Details... |

1996, ISBN: 0801432324
[EAN: 9780801432323], Near Fine, [PU: Cornell University Press], Jacket, Crisp, bright, and clean; except for mild shelf rubbing at corners and spine ends of hard cover and dust jacket, a… Mehr…

1996, ISBN: 9780801432323
NCROL, Hardcover, 188 Seiten, Publiziert: 1996-06T, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.5 kg, Verkaufsrang: 7596093, Roman Catholicism, Catholicism, Christian Books & Bibles, Subjects, Books, Saints, … Mehr…
ISBN: 9780801432323
Hardcover, Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, and may not include cd-rom or a… Mehr…
1996, ISBN: 9780801432323
Cornell Univ Pr, June, 1996. Hardcover. Very Good. in x in x in. A nice copy. Clean text, solid binding. 45.00, Cornell Univ Pr, 3
1996, ISBN: 0801432324
[EAN: 9780801432323], Neubuch, [PU: NCROL], Books
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Teresa of Avila and the Politics of Sanctity
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780801432323
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0801432324
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1996
Herausgeber: NCROL
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-10-14T14:44:36+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2022-01-01T23:02:04+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 0801432324
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-8014-3232-4, 978-0-8014-3232-3
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: ahlgren
Titel des Buches: teresa avila
Weitere, andere Bücher, die diesem Buch sehr ähnlich sein könnten:
Neuestes ähnliches Buch:
9780801485725 Teresa of Avila and the Politics of Sanctity (Gillian T.W. Ahlgren)
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