1991, ISBN: 0810347490
[EAN: 9780810347496], Used, good, [SC: 7.1], [PU: Gale], Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the… Mehr…
AbeBooks.co.uk Free Shipping Books, Ogden, UT, U.S.A. [8938484] [Rating: 5 (of 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 7.10 Details... |
1991, ISBN: 0810347490
[EAN: 9780810347496], Used, good, [SC: 7.1], [PU: Gale], Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the… Mehr…
AbeBooks.co.uk Bayside Books, Ogden, UT, U.S.A. [64434477] [Rating: 5 (of 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 7.10 Details... |
1991, ISBN: 9780810347496
Hardcover, All pages and cover are intact. Possible slightly loose binding, minor highlighting and marginalia, cocked spine or torn dust jacket. Maybe an ex-library copy and not include t… Mehr…
alibris.co.uk |
1991, ISBN: 9780810347496
Gebundene Ausgabe
Editor: Smith, Jessie Carney, Gale, Hardcover, Auflage: 1, 1333 Seiten, Publiziert: 1991-12-20T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 3.45 kg, Verkaufsrang: 1547339, Catalogs & Directories, Refe… Mehr…
amazon.com International Book Sales Gut Versandkosten:In stock Usually ships within 3 to 4 days. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.79) Details... |
1991, ISBN: 9780810347496
Hardcover, Neubuch, Size: 11x8x2; New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!, [PU: Gale]
alibris.co.uk |
1991, ISBN: 0810347490
[EAN: 9780810347496], Used, good, [SC: 7.1], [PU: Gale], Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the… Mehr…
1991, ISBN: 0810347490
[EAN: 9780810347496], Used, good, [SC: 7.1], [PU: Gale], Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the… Mehr…
ISBN: 9780810347496
Hardcover, All pages and cover are intact. Possible slightly loose binding, minor highlighting and marginalia, cocked spine or torn dust jacket. Maybe an ex-library copy and not include t… Mehr…
1991, ISBN: 9780810347496
Gebundene Ausgabe
Editor: Smith, Jessie Carney, Gale, Hardcover, Auflage: 1, 1333 Seiten, Publiziert: 1991-12-20T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 3.45 kg, Verkaufsrang: 1547339, Catalogs & Directories, Refe… Mehr…
1991, ISBN: 9780810347496
Hardcover, Neubuch, Size: 11x8x2; New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!, [PU: Gale]
Bibliographische Daten des bestpassenden Buches
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Notable Black American Women: Book I
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780810347496
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0810347490
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1991
Herausgeber: U.X.L.
1333 Seiten
Gewicht: 3,402 kg
Sprache: eng/Englisch
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-03-25T18:09:09+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2023-10-07T20:35:52+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 0810347490
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-8103-4749-0, 978-0-8103-4749-6
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: smith, carney, phelps
Titel des Buches: notable black american men, black book, black women america, notable american woman, notable american women 1607 1950
Weitere, andere Bücher, die diesem Buch sehr ähnlich sein könnten:
Neuestes ähnliches Buch:
9780787664947 Notable Black American Women: Book III (Gale Group)
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