Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Taschenbuch
1995, ISBN: 0810968150
[EAN: 9780810968158], Near Fine, [PU: Whitney Museum of Art], ART, POETRY, MODERNIST PAINTER, Condition of Softcover book: Near fine. Spotting on outer edges of book. (photo attached) Flo… Mehr…
AbeBooks.de Rotary Charity Books, Albert Park, VIC, Australia [84347655] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 27.55 Details... |

Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Erstausgabe
1995, ISBN: 0810968150
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780810968158], [SC: 48.24], [PU: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York], ART AND EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, Jacket, First edition. Softcover. 143 pages. Exhibition catalog for a sho… Mehr…
ZVAB.com Jeff Hirsch Books, ABAA, Wadsworth, IL, U.S.A. [845135] [Rating: 5 (su 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 48.24 Details... |

Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Erstausgabe
1995, ISBN: 0810968150
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780810968158], [SC: 40.09], [PU: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York], ART AND EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, Jacket, First edition. Softcover. 143 pages. Exhibition catalog for a sho… Mehr…
ZVAB.com Jeff Hirsch Books, ABAA, Wadsworth, IL, U.S.A. [845135] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 40.09 Details... |

Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Erstausgabe
1995, ISBN: 0810968150
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780810968158], [SC: 42.4], [PU: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York], ART AND EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, Jacket, First edition. Softcover. 143 pages. Exhibition catalog for a show… Mehr…
ZVAB.com Jeff Hirsch Books, ABAA, Wadsworth, IL, U.S.A. [845135] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 42.40 Details... |

Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Taschenbuch
1995, ISBN: 9780810968158
New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1995. First edition. Softcover. 143 pages. Exhibition catalog for a show that ran July 13 through November 5, 1995. Features essays by Elisabeth… Mehr…
Biblio.co.uk |

Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Taschenbuch
1995, ISBN: 0810968150
[EAN: 9780810968158], Near Fine, [PU: Whitney Museum of Art], ART, POETRY, MODERNIST PAINTER, Condition of Softcover book: Near fine. Spotting on outer edges of book. (photo attached) Flo… Mehr…

STETTHEIMER, Florine, Elisabeth Sussman, Barbara J. Bloemink, and Linda Nochlin:
Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Erstausgabe1995, ISBN: 0810968150
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780810968158], [SC: 48.24], [PU: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York], ART AND EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, Jacket, First edition. Softcover. 143 pages. Exhibition catalog for a sho… Mehr…

Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Erstausgabe
ISBN: 0810968150
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780810968158], [SC: 40.09], [PU: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York], ART AND EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, Jacket, First edition. Softcover. 143 pages. Exhibition catalog for a sho… Mehr…

Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Erstausgabe
1995, ISBN: 0810968150
Gebundene Ausgabe
[EAN: 9780810968158], [SC: 42.4], [PU: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York], ART AND EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, Jacket, First edition. Softcover. 143 pages. Exhibition catalog for a show… Mehr…
Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica - Taschenbuch
1995, ISBN: 9780810968158
New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1995. First edition. Softcover. 143 pages. Exhibition catalog for a show that ran July 13 through November 5, 1995. Features essays by Elisabeth… Mehr…
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780810968158
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0810968150
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1995
Herausgeber: Whitney Museum of Art
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-12-03T16:27:46+01:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-10-24T18:54:51+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 0810968150
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-8109-6815-0, 978-0-8109-6815-8
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: linda nochlin, bloemink barbara, florine stettheimer, sussman linda, sussman elisabeth
Titel des Buches: manhattan fantastica, florine stettheimer friends
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