Women & Art: a history of women painters and sculptors from the Renaissance to the 20th Century - Taschenbuch
1980, ISBN: 9780839002123
Gebundene Ausgabe
Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1949. Book. Very Good. Hardcover. 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" tall. 192 pages, frontispiece, 8 b/w portraits. 2 short tears on spine. ., Gebr. Mann V… Mehr…
nzl, usa | Biblio.co.uk |

Women & Art: a history of women painters and sculptors from the Renaissance to the 20th Century - Taschenbuch
2014, ISBN: 9780839002123
Plough Publishing House, 2014-05-25. Paperback. New., Plough Publishing House, 2014-05-25, 6, Monclair, NJ/ London: Allanheld & Schram, 1980. 2nd ptg . Soft cover. Very Good. 33000… Mehr…
usa, usa | Biblio.co.uk |

Women & Art: a history of women painters and sculptors from the Renaissance to the 20th Century - Taschenbuch
1980, ISBN: 9780839002123
Monclair, NJ/ London: Allanheld & Schram, 1980. 2nd ptg . Soft cover. Very Good. 33000 PB shelf. Larger solid trade paperback, pictorial white covers. Diagonal crease front cover, … Mehr…
Biblio.co.uk |

Women and Art : A History of Women Painters and Sculptors from the Renaissance to the 20th Century by Elsa H. Fine - gebrauchtes Buch
1978, ISBN: 9780839002123
Softcover book. Published by Thorndike Press (1978) Media >, [PU: Allanheld & Schram]
BetterWorldBooks.com used in stock. Versandkosten:zzgl. Versandkosten. Details... |

1978, ISBN: 0839002122
[EAN: 9780839002123], Neubuch, [PU: Brand: Imprint unknown], Books
AbeBooks.de Hafa Adai Books, Moncks Corner, SC, U.S.A. [82795001] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 30.09 Details... |

Women & Art: a history of women painters and sculptors from the Renaissance to the 20th Century - Taschenbuch
1980, ISBN: 9780839002123
Gebundene Ausgabe
Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1949. Book. Very Good. Hardcover. 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" tall. 192 pages, frontispiece, 8 b/w portraits. 2 short tears on spine. ., Gebr. Mann V… Mehr…
Elsa Honig Fine:
Women & Art: a history of women painters and sculptors from the Renaissance to the 20th Century - Taschenbuch2014, ISBN: 9780839002123
Plough Publishing House, 2014-05-25. Paperback. New., Plough Publishing House, 2014-05-25, 6, Monclair, NJ/ London: Allanheld & Schram, 1980. 2nd ptg . Soft cover. Very Good. 33000… Mehr…
Women & Art: a history of women painters and sculptors from the Renaissance to the 20th Century - Taschenbuch
ISBN: 9780839002123
Monclair, NJ/ London: Allanheld & Schram, 1980. 2nd ptg . Soft cover. Very Good. 33000 PB shelf. Larger solid trade paperback, pictorial white covers. Diagonal crease front cover, … Mehr…

Women and Art : A History of Women Painters and Sculptors from the Renaissance to the 20th Century by Elsa H. Fine - gebrauchtes Buch
1978, ISBN: 9780839002123
Softcover book. Published by Thorndike Press (1978) Media >, [PU: Allanheld & Schram]
1978, ISBN: 0839002122
[EAN: 9780839002123], Neubuch, [PU: Brand: Imprint unknown], Books
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Women and Art: A History of Women Painters and Sculptors from the Renaissance to the Present Day
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780839002123
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0839002122
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1978
Herausgeber: Imprint unknown
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-05-17T04:46:19+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-12-19T10:24:02+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 0839002122
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-8390-0212-2, 978-0-8390-0212-3
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: honig, hönig, fine elsa
Titel des Buches: women sculptors, history, renaissance sculptors, art the 20th century, painters and sculptors
Weitere, andere Bücher, die diesem Buch sehr ähnlich sein könnten:
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