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Details zum Buch
Women of To-Day

WOMEN OF f 6-by MARGARET COLE Illustrated THOMAS NELSON AND SONS LTD LONDON EDINBURGH PARIS MELBOURNE TORONTO AND NEW YORK DAME LAURA KNIGHT. Russell. CONTENTS ETHEL SMYTH LADY HENRY SOMERSET 31 EDITH CAVELL 65 MARY MAG ARTHUR 89 ELIZABETH GARRETT ANDERSON . . . .131 LAURA KNIGHT 161 ANNIE BESANT igi CLARE SHERIDAN 233 BEATRICE WEBB 261 ROSITA FORBES 291 ILLUSTRATIONS Dame Laura Knight Frontispiece Dame Ethel Smyth 8 Lady Henry Somerset 40 Nurse Cavell 72 Mary Macarthur 104 Dr. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson 136 Dame Laura Knight 168 Mrs. Annie Besant 200 Clare Sheridan 248 Beatrice Webb Mrs. Sidney Webb . . . 280 Rosita Forbes 296 Til ETHEL SMYTH WOMEN OF TO-DAY i ETHEL SMYTH ACCORDING to Ethel Smyth herself, the first thing ji in her life which she clearly remembers is leaping out of a low pony-carriage which was going up St. Mary Cray Hill near Sidcup and finding herself on her back in the road because, being very young, she had not noticed that her elders, when jumping out, were careful to jump in the direction in which the carriage was pro ceeding. We have no date for this contretemps, nor is there any drawing or photograph of it available but it is easy enough to picture to oneself this small and sturdy child lying on her back in the mud, surrounded by the nest of petticoats which nicely-brought-up mid-Victorian children wore, waving in the air legs cased in white cotton stockings and black half-boots, and if we may judge from her subsequent career shrieking for help in a furious bawl. 3 WOMEN OF TO-DAY For Ethel Smyth has always had a loud voice, both literally and metaphorically at the Crystal Palace in youth, when a surge of the crowd temporarily parted her from her parents, shecried, I shall never see my Papa and Mamma again in such an agonized roar that she was instantly reunited to them and she has never hesitated either to ask frequently and clearly for what she wanted and small success would have been hers if she had, or to express her frank opinion about people and circumstances when she felt like it, even if it would have been more tactful to hold her tongue. I wish, 5 somebody once said to some of her relatives, that your sister could be persuaded to pretend to like Elgars music, even if she doesnt. People are certain to put down this openly expressed dislike to jealousy. It is not surprising that her friend Mrs. Benson, wife of an Archbishop of Canterbury, who found it difficult to understand the meaning of many of the technical terms which musical critics use, was delighted to meet the phrase a loud allusion to a former subject in the bass for that so obviously referred to her friend Ethels style of conversation. Ethel Smyth is a composer, and though not an infant prodigy, has been a composer since her childhood. And her life illustrates so well the special difficulties which composers have to face, particularly composers who want to live in an unmusical country like England, and more particularly composers who are careless enough to be 4 ETHEL SMYTH born women, that it would be tempting, in this short study, to confine oneself to those aspects of it. But to do so would be to paint a very incomplete picture, and to leave out half of a splendidly robust and challenging personality. Ethel Smyth is not only a composer she is a person of tremendous physical and mental energy, as is shown by her habit of bumping, dashing, and rushing about, her passionfor tramping and games, and the vigour with which she can take up causes. In the full tide of her musical career she took up womens suffrage for some years with all the energy of which she was capable of course on the side of the militants...

Detailangaben zum Buch - Women of To-Day

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781406776799
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1406776793
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Herausgeber: DODO PR
340 Seiten
Gewicht: 0,431 kg
Sprache: eng/Englisch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2008-04-24T17:45:19+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2016-12-06T20:16:01+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 1406776793

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-4067-7679-3, 978-1-4067-7679-9
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: margaret cole
Titel des Buches: women day

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