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Elizabeth and Mary Tudor: Printed Writings 1500-1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 5 Anne Lake Prescott Author
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Elizabeth and Mary Tudor: Printed Writings 1500-1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 5 Anne Lake Prescott Author - neues Buch

ISBN: 9781840142181

The two translators whose printed works are contained in this volume were the daughters of Henry VIII. Whilst they both suffered from their father's changes of wives and faiths, after his… Mehr…

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Anne Lake Prescott:

Elizabeth and Mary Tudor - gebunden oder broschiert

2001, ISBN: 9781840142181

Printed Writings 1500?1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 5, Buch, Hardcover, The two translators whose printed works are contained in this volume were the daughters of Henry VIII. Whilst th… Mehr…

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Versand: € 11,751
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Ms. Anne Lake Prescott:
Elizabeth and Mary Tudor: Printed Writings 1500-1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 5 - gebunden oder broschiert

ISBN: 9781840142181

Hardback. New. "The Early Modern Englishwoman" is designed to make available a comprehensive and focused collection of writings in English from 1500 to 1700, both by wo… Mehr…

Versandkosten: EUR 11.75 The Saint Bookstore
bei AbeBooks.de
€ 122,09
Versand: € 11,711
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Elizabeth I, Queen of England/ Mary I, Queen of England/ Prescott, Anne Lake (Editor)/ Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre (Editor)/ Erasmus, Desiderius (Editor):
Elizabeth and Mary Tudor - gebunden oder broschiert

2002, ISBN: 1840142189

[EAN: 9781840142181], Neubuch, [PU: Ashgate Pub Ltd], illustrated edition. 230 pages. 10.00x7.75x1.50 inches. In Stock., Books

NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 11.71 Revaluation Books, Exeter, United Kingdom [2134736] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
Elizabeth and Mary Tudor : Printed Writings 1500-1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 5 - Prescott, Anne Lake
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€ 93,87
Versand: € 8,751
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Prescott, Anne Lake:
Elizabeth and Mary Tudor : Printed Writings 1500-1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 5 - gebunden oder broschiert

2001, ISBN: 1840142189

[EAN: 9781840142181], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [SC: 8.75], [PU: Routledge], Former library book; may include library markings. Used book that is in excellent condition. May show sig… Mehr…

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Details zum Buch
Elizabeth and Mary Tudor

The two translators whose printed works are contained in this volume were the daughters of Henry VIII. Whilst they both suffered from their father's changes of wives and faiths, after his marriage in 1543 to Katherine Parr they both benefited from their new stepmother's kindness. In different ways, she was involved in the production of the texts contained in this volume. When Princess Elizabeth was eleven she began to translate Le Mirroir de l'âme pécheresse (1531), a verse meditation by Marguerite of Angoulême, sister of King Francis I of France. The Princess dedicated it to Katherine Parr as a New Year's present in January 1545. It is John Bale's 1548 edition that is reproduced here. Also the c.1568 edition published by Denham which includes a set of prayers by James Cancellar designed to be said by Elizabeth and an acrostic on 'Elizabeth Regina'. At about the same time as Elizabeth was working on her translation, Mary (1515-1558) was likewise helping Katherine Parr reform Tudor devotional life through scripture-based scholarship, literature and translation. The Queen asked her to join a group involved in translating the influential Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum by Desiderius Erasmus. Whilst the true translators of this long Latin text is debated it is thought that Mary was part way through the section of the Gospel of John when illness (or possibly her disagreement Parr's Reformist sympathies) caused her to pass the rest over to her chaplain, Francis Malet. The translations, including Mary's contribution, began to see print in 1548 under the editorship of Richard Grafton. Edward VI's government required all parishes to acquire copies, so that together with various English Bibles and the Book of Common Prayer, the Paraphrases long helped to shape English religious life. We reprint here the entire section of John's gospel from a copy of the 1548 edition including Erasmus' preface to the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, and a letter, which credits the translation to Mary, from Nicholas Updall to Katherine Parr.

Detailangaben zum Buch - Elizabeth and Mary Tudor

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781840142181
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1840142189
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
Herausgeber: Ashgate Publishing Limited

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-04-27T12:49:39+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-09-10T02:39:12+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 1840142189

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-84014-218-9, 978-1-84014-218-1
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: marguerite henry, king henry, erasmus king, prescott, taylor
Titel des Buches: writing, elizabeth and mary, works, tudor

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