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Collins, Irene:

Jane Austen and the Clergy - Erstausgabe

1994, ISBN: 1852851724

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[EAN: 9781852851729], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: The Hambledon Press, London, England], Literary Criticism|European|English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Biography & Autobiography|General,… Mehr…

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Collins, Irene:

Jane Austen - The Parson's Daughter - gebunden oder broschiert

1998, ISBN: 9781852851729

London and Rio Grande: The Hambledon Press, 1998. Book. Very Good. Hardcover. 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" tall. Blue hardcover with title in gilt on spine. Condition: Very good, with just a hint … Mehr…

Versandkosten: EUR 6.77 Karen Jakobsen Art & Design Books
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Bestellengesponserter Link
Collins, Irene:
Jane Austen: The Parson's Daughter - gebunden oder broschiert


ISBN: 1852851724

[EAN: 9781852851729], Neubuch, [PU: Bloomsbury Academic], Literary Criticism|European|English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Biography & Autobiography|General, Biography & Autobiography|Literar… Mehr…

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€ 84,34
Versand: € 12,661
Bestellengesponserter Link
Irene Collins:
Jane Austen: The Parson's Daughter - gebunden oder broschiert

2003, ISBN: 1852851724

[EAN: 9781852851729], Neubuch, [PU: Continuum], Literary Criticism|European|English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Biography & Autobiography|General, Biography & Autobiography|Literary, Religio… Mehr…

  - NEW BOOK Versandkosten: EUR 12.66 Ergodebooks, RICHMOND, TX, U.S.A. [8304062] [Rating: 4 (von 5)]
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$ 78,73
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Versand: € 12,481
Bestellengesponserter Link
Irene Collins:
Jane Austen: The Parson's Daughter - gebunden oder broschiert

2003, ISBN: 9781852851729

Continuum, 2003-08-02. 1. Hardcover. Used:Good. Buy with confidence. Excellent Customer Service & Return policy. Ships Fast. 24*7 Customer Service., Continuum, 2003-08-02

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Details zum Buch
Jane Austen: Parsons Daughter

Jane Austen was a clergyman's daughter, related to other clergy, born and brought up in a parsonage. Many of her attitudes, expressed in her novels, reflect this directly or indirectly. Her father's reasoned and practical approach to religion, along with the range of books available to her in his library, shaped the essentially moral outlook behind her entertaining, but devastating, criticism of individuals and of society.Her attitude to the gentry is subtly ambivalent. Accepted as a clergyman's daughter in local society, Jane Austen sometimes mirrors their prejudices, seen for instance in her characterisation of the haughty aristocrat Lady Catherine de Bourgh in Pride and Prejudice. At the same time, her own marginal position in gentry society gave her personal experience of the slights and snobberies inherent in the subtle class distinctions of the time. As the years went by, she became more and more sensitive about the position of women without money of their own, and wrote feelingly in Emma of the lowered status of a parson's daughter who has died. Jane Austen's life coincided with her country's war against Revolutionary France. It has often seemed surprising that she never mentions war explicitly in her novels, especially as two of her brothers were officers in the navy and another in the militia. Jane Austen: The Parson's Daughter shows how Jane Austen in fact drew on an extensive knowledge of wartime conditions not only in Pride and Prejudice with its militia regiment, and in Mansfield Park and Persuasion with their sailors, but also in Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey and even Emma - though the latter never moves outside the village of Highbury.

Detailangaben zum Buch - Jane Austen: Parsons Daughter

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781852851729
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1852851724
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2003
Herausgeber: HAMBLEDON PR
282 Seiten
Gewicht: 0,608 kg
Sprache: eng/Englisch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2008-05-24T03:19:27+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2020-06-01T16:28:15+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 1852851724

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-85285-172-4, 978-1-85285-172-9
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: collins irene
Titel des Buches: jane austen parson daughter

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