ISBN: 9781880593004
Tufts University. New. 1991. Paperback. 1880593009 .*** FREE UPGRADE to Courier/Priority Shipping Upon Request *** - *** IN STOCK AND IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE FOR SHIPMENT - Flawl… Mehr…
Biblio.co.uk |

1991, ISBN: 9781880593004
Medford, MA/NY: Tufts University Art Gallery/D.A.P., 1991. wrappers, as issued., no flaws - clean, no writing or markings, tight sewn binding, a pristine copy.; 71pp., 30 full-page plates… Mehr…
Biblio.com |

1991, ISBN: 1880593009
[EAN: 9781880593004], [SC: 50.77], [PU: Tufts University Art Gallery, Medford, MA], ART AND EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, First edition. Softcover. 71 pages. Exhibition catalog for a show that r… Mehr…
ZVAB.com Jeff Hirsch Books, ABAA, Wadsworth, IL, U.S.A. [845135] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 50.77 Details... |

1991, ISBN: 9781880593004
Tufts Univ, Paperback, Publiziert: 1991-10-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.91 kg, Women in Art, Themes & Concepts, Arts & Photography, Subjects, Books, Individual Artists, Books Glob… Mehr…
amazon.co.uk Paper Cavalier UK Versandkosten:Usually dispatched within 4 to 5 days. Le spese di spedizione possono differire dai costi effettivi. (EUR 5.73) Details... |

1991, ISBN: 1880593009
[EAN: 9781880593004], [PU: Tufts University Art Gallery], ART, PAINTING, MODERN, ALICE NEEL, Softcover, 72; very good condition, except light rubbing and scuffs to covers; no internal mar… Mehr…
AbeBooks.de |

ISBN: 9781880593004
Tufts University. New. 1991. Paperback. 1880593009 .*** FREE UPGRADE to Courier/Priority Shipping Upon Request *** - *** IN STOCK AND IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE FOR SHIPMENT - Flawl… Mehr…
1991, ISBN: 9781880593004
Medford, MA/NY: Tufts University Art Gallery/D.A.P., 1991. wrappers, as issued., no flaws - clean, no writing or markings, tight sewn binding, a pristine copy.; 71pp., 30 full-page plates… Mehr…

ISBN: 1880593009
[EAN: 9781880593004], [SC: 50.77], [PU: Tufts University Art Gallery, Medford, MA], ART AND EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, First edition. Softcover. 71 pages. Exhibition catalog for a show that r… Mehr…

1991, ISBN: 9781880593004
Tufts Univ, Paperback, Publiziert: 1991-10-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.91 kg, Women in Art, Themes & Concepts, Arts & Photography, Subjects, Books, Individual Artists, Books Glob… Mehr…

1991, ISBN: 1880593009
[EAN: 9781880593004], [PU: Tufts University Art Gallery], ART, PAINTING, MODERN, ALICE NEEL, Softcover, 72; very good condition, except light rubbing and scuffs to covers; no internal mar… Mehr…
Bibliographische Daten des bestpassenden Buches
Detailangaben zum Buch - Exterior Interior: Alice Neel
EAN (ISBN-13): 9781880593004
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1880593009
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1991
Herausgeber: Tufts Univ
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-10-26T13:31:59+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2025-01-11T15:13:51+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 1880593009
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-880593-00-9, 978-1-880593-00-4
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: alice neel, allara pamela
Titel des Buches: alice neel and, interior exterior
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