From Victorian to Modern: Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Vanessa Bell, Gwen John and Laura Knight - Erstausgabe
2006, ISBN: 1900809419
[EAN: 9781900809412], [PU: Philip Wilson Publishers, London], ARTS, 112pp. Published in conjunction with the exhibition. Language: eng VG : in very good condition without dust jacket as i… Mehr… Barter Books Ltd, Alnwick, NORTH, United Kingdom [226709] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 5.18 Details... |
From Victorian to Modern: Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Vanessa Bell, Gwen John and Laura Knight - Erstausgabe
2006, ISBN: 9781900809412
Illustrated laminated card cover, VG: in very good condition without dust jacket as issued, [ED: 1], Arts|Arts, 260mm x 220mm (10" x 9"). 112pp. Published in conjunction with the exhibiti… Mehr… |
From Victorian to Modern Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Gwen John, Vanessa Bell and Laura Knight - Taschenbuch
2006, ISBN: 9781900809412
Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd. Fine. 2006. Paperback. 1900809419 . Small museum stamp to top corner of free front end paper ; 10.40 X 8.70 X 0.70 inches ., Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd, 2006 |
From Victorian to Modern Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Gwen John, Vanessa Bell and Laura Knight - Taschenbuch
2006, ISBN: 1900809419
[EAN: 9781900809412], Fine, [PU: Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd], Small museum stamp to top corner of free front end paper ; 10.40 X 8.70 X 0.70 inches Bookfinder-General, Nr Warrington, United Kingdom [72653] [Rating: 4 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK Versandkosten: EUR 12.56 Details... |
From Victorian to Modern: Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Vanessa Bell, Gwen John and Laura Knight - Erstausgabe
2006, ISBN: 1900809419
[EAN: 9781900809412], [PU: Philip Wilson Publishers, London], ARTS, 112pp. Published in conjunction with the exhibition. Language: eng VG : in very good condition without dust jacket as i… Mehr…
Nunn, Pamela Gerrish:
From Victorian to Modern: Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Vanessa Bell, Gwen John and Laura Knight - Erstausgabe2006, ISBN: 9781900809412
Illustrated laminated card cover, VG: in very good condition without dust jacket as issued, [ED: 1], Arts|Arts, 260mm x 220mm (10" x 9"). 112pp. Published in conjunction with the exhibiti… Mehr…
From Victorian to Modern Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Gwen John, Vanessa Bell and Laura Knight - Taschenbuch
ISBN: 9781900809412
Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd. Fine. 2006. Paperback. 1900809419 . Small museum stamp to top corner of free front end paper ; 10.40 X 8.70 X 0.70 inches ., Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd, 2006
From Victorian to Modern Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Gwen John, Vanessa Bell and Laura Knight - Taschenbuch
2006, ISBN: 1900809419
[EAN: 9781900809412], Fine, [PU: Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd], Small museum stamp to top corner of free front end paper ; 10.40 X 8.70 X 0.70 inches
Bibliographische Daten des bestpassenden Buches
Detailangaben zum Buch - From Victorian to Modern: Innovation and Tradition in the Work of Vanessa Bell, Gwen John and Laura Knight
EAN (ISBN-13): 9781900809412
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1900809419
Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
Herausgeber: Philip Wilson Publishers
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2016-06-13T17:08:22+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2017-03-12T20:56:14+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 1900809419
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-900809-41-9, 978-1-900809-41-2
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