A POWERFUL POLITICAL FIGURE...dead in Denver’s South Platte River, the source of vital water sought by farmers, land developers and politicians.BABY BOOMER VIC BENGSTON...returning … Mehr…
A POWERFUL POLITICAL FIGURE...dead in Denver’s South Platte River, the source of vital water sought by farmers, land developers and politicians.BABY BOOMER VIC BENGSTON...returning to the newspaper world after 25 years in the PR business – is sent to cover the story.After day one, he’s yanked from the assignment…to let the “pros” take over. But that doesn’t stop Vic, once a relentless investigative reporter. Bucking his new bosses and the cops, Vic chases down leads on his own, taking him to the heights of Colorado political power, into the life and death struggle over water in farm country and, finally……to a deadly confrontation with the killer. Digital Content>E-books>Myst & Thrill>Mystery>Mystery, Richard J. Schneider Digital >16<
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A POWERFUL POLITICAL FIGURE...dead in Denver’s South Platte River, the source of vital water sought by farmers, land developers and politicians.BABY BOOMER VIC BENGSTON...returning … Mehr…
A POWERFUL POLITICAL FIGURE...dead in Denver’s South Platte River, the source of vital water sought by farmers, land developers and politicians.BABY BOOMER VIC BENGSTON...returning to the newspaper world after 25 years in the PR business – is sent to cover the story.After day one, he’s yanked from the assignment…to let the “pros” take over. But that doesn’t stop Vic, once a relentless investigative reporter. Bucking his new bosses and the cops, Vic chases down leads on his own, taking him to the heights of Colorado political power, into the life and death struggle over water in farm country and, finally……to a deadly confrontation with the killer. Digital Content>E-books>Mystery>Mystery>Mystery, Richard J. Schneider Digital >16<
new in stock. Versandkosten:zzgl. Versandkosten. Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
A POWERFUL POLITICAL FIGURE...dead in Denver’s South Platte River, the source of vital water sought by farmers, land developers and politicians.BABY BOOMER VIC BENGSTON...returning … Mehr…
A POWERFUL POLITICAL FIGURE...dead in Denver’s South Platte River, the source of vital water sought by farmers, land developers and politicians.BABY BOOMER VIC BENGSTON...returning to the newspaper world after 25 years in the PR business – is sent to cover the story.After day one, he’s yanked from the assignment…to let the “pros” take over. But that doesn’t stop Vic, once a relentless investigative reporter. Bucking his new bosses and the cops, Vic chases down leads on his own, taking him to the heights of Colorado political power, into the life and death struggle over water in farm country and, finally……to a deadly confrontation with the killer. Digital Content>E-books>Myst & Thrill>Mystery>Mystery, Richard J. Schneider Digital >16<
A POWERFUL POLITICAL FIGURE...dead in Denver’s South Platte River, the source of vital water sought by farmers, land developers and politicians.BABY BOOMER VIC BENGSTON...returning … Mehr…
A POWERFUL POLITICAL FIGURE...dead in Denver’s South Platte River, the source of vital water sought by farmers, land developers and politicians.BABY BOOMER VIC BENGSTON...returning to the newspaper world after 25 years in the PR business – is sent to cover the story.After day one, he’s yanked from the assignment…to let the “pros” take over. But that doesn’t stop Vic, once a relentless investigative reporter. Bucking his new bosses and the cops, Vic chases down leads on his own, taking him to the heights of Colorado political power, into the life and death struggle over water in farm country and, finally……to a deadly confrontation with the killer. Digital Content>E-books>Mystery>Mystery>Mystery, Richard J. Schneider Digital >16<
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