Ott, Inge -:Im Schatten des goldenen Adlers - ein Junge auf Napoleons Spuren -
- Erstausgabe 2024, ISBN: 9783772516696
Taschenbuch, Gebundene Ausgabe
1881. Early days in Chippewa County, WI, are recalled through a delightful mixture of colorful tales, factual data, and individual biographies in this booklet excerpted from a rare 1881 b… Mehr…
1881. Early days in Chippewa County, WI, are recalled through a delightful mixture of colorful tales, factual data, and individual biographies in this booklet excerpted from a rare 1881 book, entitled History of Northern Wisconsin. This NEW 41-page 8 1/2" x 11" spiral-bound booklet is printed single-sided on 60 # opaque paper. The front cover is a parchtex card stock, protected with a vinyl sheet. The information comes from aWe've enlarged the area on a map from the original book, and included it along with two other maps of historic interest. Communities currently listed for Chippewa County by the National Association of Counties include (Not all of these towns are mentioned in the booklet.): Anson, Arthur, Auburn, Birch Creek, Bloomer, Boyd, Cadott, Chippewa Falls (County Seat), Cleveland, Colburn, Cooks Valley, Cornell, Delmar, Eagle Point, Eau Claire (part), Edson, Estella, Goetz, Hallie, Holcombe, Howard, Jim Falls, Lafayette, Lake Holcombe, New Auburn (part), Ruby, Sampson, Sigel, Stanley, Tilden, Wheaton, Woodmohr. Among the many subjects included are: Location, Physical Features, and Natural Resources; the Chippewas (Odjibwa)-- their language and communication system; Separation of Chippewa County from Crawford County in 1845; First settlers and later arrivals; Early Officers; Bigamist Joseph Bellsile, a 126-year-old Indian, Angeline DeMarie --"an almost intuitive doctor", and other early characters; Water Power; War Record; Logging and the Lumber business; the flood of 1847 and the Storm of 1855; a rape, a knifing and a lynching and a near Indian uprising; the shortage of women; Wild speculation; Schools and Churches; Newspapers; Railroads; Industral Enterprises; State Lines; a Summary of Events from old newspapers, etc., between 1863 and 1881; and other interesting bits of history and trivia. Attention Genealogists: This booklet contains biographies of many county residents of the late 1800s. Some of these are brief, but others include family members, affiliations, war records, and business activities, in the course of which they often shed light on area businesses, churches, professions and institutions, and on news events. Those listed are: Chippewa Falls -- H.S. Allen, John D. Apmann, E. De F. Barnett, J.D. Barnett, Andrew J. Bate, Antoin Berg, J.M. Bingham (pix), Peter Bergevin, Bernard Bibeau, David Blair, James A. Blake, Amede Boncher, Frank Bonville, W.A. Boutelle, J.C. Bronsky, Alanson C. Bruce, Daniel Buchanan, Frank M. Buzzell, Gus. Caesar, Otis E. Card, James Carroll, Prone Carter, Tracy Morgan Cary, Joseph S. Chevingny, Timothy Cherrier, Francis M. Clough, W.H. Clifton, George W. Cochran, Louis Coderre, William A. Cody, Frank A. Colburn, Dudley G. Coleman, Edward H. Coleman, Charles B. Coleman, Henry Coleman, Urgel Collett, Joseph E. Collett, James Comerford, Joseph Cota, William W. Crandall, Henry Cronk, E.W. Culver (pix), M.J. Cummings, O.R. Dahl, William T. Dalton, Herman Dettloff, James S. Dewey, Peter M Dicaire, Cyrus W. Dodge, William Doty, Armand Ducommun, Kelesford Dussault, Edward Emerson, Phillip Euler, Elmer H. Everett, John Faeh, Thomas Farnsworth, A.K. Fletcher, William Fowlds, Dr. F. Fradet, Jacob L. Friederich, Jerome B. Gallaher, George W. Gans, Dr. Barney Gardiner, Abel Gardner, Ludger Gaudet, Joseph Gay, John C. Ginty (pix), George A. Gillmore, Morris Glucksman, Henry J. Goddard, Rev. Father Charles F.X. Goldsmith, Arthur Gough, Wesley J. Gregg, James Griffin, Edward Grossman, J.R. Hall, John Halvorson, E.P. Hastings, Anthony Judson Hayward, Napoleon Hebert, Fred Hennemann, Henry Herbert, Carl Hering, Samuel Heylman, Samuel Hill, Daniel Frederick Hoenig, Ambrose Hoffman, Martin J. Howard, William B. Hall, Julius P. Hurlbut, Charles A. Jaques, Nels Johnson, Albert W. Johnson, Frank A. Johnson, Albert Kahler, John B. Kehl, Robert Kennedy, Thomas J. Kiley, Charles Langvin, William O. Lamb, Joseph G. La Motte, James Lavell, Louis Lord, Cavalier H. Lowell, Gunder J. Lee, Jacob Leinenkugel, J.W. Leslie, Alexander McBean, Warren E. McCord, James McClintock, Thomas McDermott, Alex R. McDonald, Angus J. McDonell, A.J. McGilvray, William D. McGilvray, Frank M. McGuire, D.L. McKay, James McKinnon, Kenneth A. McLeod, Hector C. McRea, Hugh McRae, John A. McRae, Charles Mandelert, Joseph Mandelert, R.D. Marshall, William Martin, Hans Mason, Henry Maxeiner, Lyell O. Mead, Albert Mendl, David E. Miles (pix), Eusebeus M. Miles, Alphonse Miller, John Miller, John P. Mitchell, A. Moses, Charles G. Mullikin, Thomas Murray, Lorenzo M. Newman, E.E. Nussle, John Pakenham, E.G. Pannier, Warren W. Potter, Mrs. S.A. Pound, John Powers, Thaddeus C. Pound (pix), Edward Poznanski, M.J. Raymond, Dr. Fred A. Reckard, John Redman, Gen. Hollon Richardson, Sanford S. Riddell (pix), Clayton E. Rogers (pix), George S. Rogers, John Rumsey, David Russell, Thomas A. Ryan, John Samson, James W. Sellers, Syvert Serley, James A. Seydel, D.E. Seymour, William L. Seymour, Horace L. Smith, Christopher F. Smith, Byron Southmayd, John W. Squiers, William H. Stafford, Emory D. Stanley, Alexander Stewart, Amos S. Stiles, Robert M. Stitt, Nathan D. Stoddard, W. H. Stoddard, Homer C. Strong, Seymour B. Strong, George W. Swaner, Nelson O. Swift, A. Tarrant, James A. Taylor, Henry M. Todd, John and Joseph Trudell, Peter Turcot, Gideon D. Vaillancourt, Simon R. Van Houter, Louis Vincent, Callix Vinette, Joseph Walker, Joel Waterman, Leslie E. Waterman, George P. Warren, Francis C. Webb, Charles Weissenborn, John Weinberger, John V. Weinberger, Charles B. Wessell, Nels W. Wheeler, Robert D. Whittemore, Alexander Wiley, C.J. Wiltse, Charles W. Withrow, Louis J. Zimmermann; Bloomer -- Frederick Adler, Frederick Becker, John H. Brown, Charles Detloff, Andred Dietlein, Peter D. McMartin, Ludolphus Smith, Frederick W. Stees, Sylvester Van Loon, Joames H. Williams; Chippewa City -- William B. Bartlett, John Bates, Edward F. Bennett, Leonard Dibble, Milo C. Dunton, Perry Hopkins, Horace A. Hutchinson, Angus V. McGilvray, Nelso Sellers, George R. Shaw, Edwin B. Smith, J. Henry Smith, Frederick G. Stanley, Charles V. Sweeney, James H. Woodruff; Auburn -- Adelbert P. McWethy, William C. Miller, Charles E. Smith, Leonard Von Eschen; Cadott -- Solomon R. Kaiser, E.B. Luce, Robert Marriner, Chauncey K. Millious, John P. Wall; Cartwright's Mill -- David J. Cartwright, Charles M. Tarr; Badger Mills -- Z.C. Willis, A. R. Southmayd; Big Bend -- Gus. Nater; Wheaton -- Frank G. Smith; Bios listed as "In Memoriam" are: Harvey P. Coleman, Miss Laura Allen, Miller F. Thompson, Thomas Morris, Charles Coleman, Francis Ganthier, Dr. R.W. Bradeen, and Louis Vincent. . Limited Edition Reprint. Spiral/Comb . New/No Jacket. 8.5" x 11". Private Press., 1881, 6, 2024. unknown. neu Druckqualität auf hochwertigem Papier bis zu 215/m². Durch Verwendung dieser hohen Grammatur ist Ihr Druck deutlich reißfester als ein gewöhnliches Fotopapier und beugt dazu noch unschönen Knicken vor. Durch modernste Drucktechnik und optimales Farbmanagement verleihen wir Ihrem Foto als Poster brillante und schöne Farben. Dies verleiht Ihrem Bild einen hochwertigen Eindruck mit einer exzellente Bildstabilität bei maximaler UV-Beständigkeit. Erleben Sie mehr Dynamik in Ihren Bildern und eine fotorealistische Darstellung durch Verwendung von Lightfarben und eine Auflösung von bis zu 1440 DPI. NEU!. 15,6 x 20,2 cm. Blatt: 20,5 x 26 cm. Abbildungen: Christus am Kreuze; Gründung Deutschlands, Frankreichs und Italiens; Gustav Adolph in Deutschland; Kaiser Napoleon vertheilt die Adler an seine Armeecorps", 2024, 0, Society of Architectural Historians, 1967 Light spine fading otherwise Very Good condition. Content clean and unmarked, binding strong. Contents: Frank Lloyd Wright--The Madison Years, Records versus Recollections by Thomas S. Hines, Jr.; Frank Lloyd Wright and the Problem of Historical Perspective by Norris K. Smith; The "Gifts" of Friedrich Froebel by Stuart Wilson; The Architecture of Dankmar Adler by Rochelle S. Elstein; Louis Sullivan and the Golden Doorway by David H. Crook; The Chicago Fair and the Myth of the "Lost Cause" by Dimitri Tselos; John Root's Monadnock Building by Donald Hoffmann; The 1867 Philadelphia Masonic Temple Competition by John C. Poppeliers; James Keys Wilson (1828-1894), Architect of the Gothic Revival in Cincinnati by Glenn Patton; The Old Montgomery County Court House, Dayton, Ohio by Neville H. Clouten; Alfred B. Mullett's Court Room and Post Office at Raleigh, North Carolina by Lawrence Wodehouse; John Haviland in Pottsville by Matthew Baigell; A Country House by Napoleon Le Brun by Richard W. Longstreth. Index to volume XXVI. Pages 225-324., Society of Architectural Historians, 1967, 3, New York: The Colophon, 1932. Very Good condition (rear cover has light soil to white parts and one small spot). Sharp corners. NO owner's name or bookplate. NOT a library discard. Pages are clean and unmarked. Part 11 only. Includes articles on Bruce Roger's early works, old prints, Napoleon and Napoleonana, Charles Kingsley, Edward Wilson's book illustrations, 15th century bookwomen. Also "The Writing of Ethan Frome" by Edith Wharton, "A Russian Adventure" by Percy Muir, and an etching "Planters Majorca" by Charles Offin. Designs by T. M. Cleland. Among the other contributors are Harry B. Smith, Wilfred Partington, and William Kittredge. Bound in the original full color pictorial boards. . First Edition, Limited 3,000 copies. Hardcover. Very Good condition/No dust jacket. Illus. by Offin, Charles (etching). 8.5" wide by 10.75" tall. Great Packaging, Fast Shipping., The Colophon, 1932, 3, Philadelphia, PA: Society of Architectural Historians, 1967. pp. 227-322+index, clean, unmarked pages, orange wraps; items by/about: Architecture; Thomas S. Hines, Jr. (Frank Lloyd wright--The Madison Years); Norris K. Smith (Frank Lloyd Wright and the Problem of Historical Perspective); stuart Wilson (The Gifts of Friedrich Froebel); Rochele S. Elstein (Dankmar Adler); David H. Crook (Louis Sullivan and the Golden Doorway): M=dimitri Tselos (Chicago World's Fair and the Myth of the "Lost Cause"); Donald Hoffmann (John Root's Monadnock Building); John c Poppeliers (1867 Philadelphia Masonic Temple Competition); Glenn Patton (James Keys Wilson, Gothic Revival in Cincinnati, ohio); Neville H. Clouten (Old Montgomery County Court House, Dayton, Ohio); Lawrence Wodehouse (alfred B. Mullet, Court Room and post Office, Raleigh, North Carolina); Matthew Baigell (John Haviland in Pottsville); Richard W. Longstreth (Napoleon Le Brun Country House); Book Reviews, Etc.. 1st. Paperback. Very Good. Illus. by B/W Illus. 4 vo. Journal., Society of Architectural Historians, 1967, 3, Philadelphia, PA: Society of Architectural Historians, 1967. pp. 163-222/index, clean, unmarked pages, owner's name; orange wraps; items by/about: Architecture; Thomas S. Hines, Jr. (Frank Lloyd wright--The Madison Years); Norris K. Smith (Frank Lloyd Wright and the Problem of Historical Perspective); stuart Wilson (The Gifts of Friedrich Froebel); Rochele S. Elstein (Dankmar Adler); David H. Crook (Louis Sullivan and the Golden Doorway): M=dimitri Tselos (Chicago World's Fair and the Myth of the "Lost Cause"); Donald Hoffmann (John Root's Monadnock Building); John c Poppeliers (1867 Philadelphia Masonic Temple Competition); Glenn Patton (James Keys Wilson, Gothic Revival in Cincinnati, ohio); Neville H. Clouten (Old Montgomery County Court House, Dayton, Ohio); Lawrence Wodehouse (alfred B. Mullet, Court Room and post Office, Raleigh, North Carolina); Matthew Baigell (John Haviland in Pottsville); Richard W. Longstreth (Napoleon Le Brun Country House); Book Reviews, Etc.. 1st. Paperback. Very Good. Illus. by B/W Illus. 4 vo. Journal., Society of Architectural Historians, 1967, 3, 1854. paperback. gebraucht, akzeptabel Grafik, Papier altersbedingt etwas fleckig und gebräunt, sonst akzeptables Exemplar . 15,6 x 20,2 cm. Blatt: 20,5 x 26 cm. Abbildungen: Christus am Kreuze; Gründung Deutschlands, Frankreichs und Italiens; Gustav Adolph in Deutschland; Kaiser Napoleon vertheilt die Adler an seine Armeecorps", 1854, 0, New York: The Colophon, 1932. Near Fine condition. Sharp corners. NO owner's name or bookplate. NOT a library discard. Pages are clean and unmarked. Part 11 only. Includes articles on Bruce Roger's early works, old prints, Napoleon and Napoleonana, Charles Kingsley, Edward Wilson's book illustrations, 15th century bookwomen. Also "The Writing of Ethan Frome" by Edith Wharton, "A Russian Adventure" by Percy Muir, and an etching "Planters Majorca" by Charles Offin. Designs by T. M. Cleland. Among the other contributors are Harry B. Smith, Wilfred Partington, and William Kittredge. Bound in the original full color pictorial boards. . First Edition, Limited 3,000 copies. Hardcover. Near Fine condition/No dust jacket. Illus. by Offin, Charles (etching). 8.5" wide by 10.75" tall. Great Packaging, Fast Shipping., The Colophon, 1932, 4, Stuttgart - : Verlag Freies Geistesleben - , 1997. 1. Auflage. illustrierter Pappband (Hardcover) mit Schutzumschlag - . mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren - leicht berieben und bestoßen mit Randläsuren, - . 22 x 15 x 3 cm - Oktav. - Russlandfeldzug 1812 ; Jugendbuch ; K Kinder- und Jugendliteratur - - intern567-831, Verlag Freies Geistesleben -, 1997, 0<