1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [SC: 15.61], [PU: Konemann & Aperture Cologne 1999], PHOTOGRAPHY - AMERICAN, Jacket, 21.0 x 21.0cms, 96pp, b/w Photos, very good hardback & dustwrapper Mark Haworth-… Mehr…
AbeBooks.co.uk THE CROSS Art + Books, Sydney, NSW, Australia [2544790] [Beoordeling: 3 (van 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 15.61 Details... |

1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [SC: 15.61], [PU: Konemann & Aperture Cologne 1999], PHOTOGRAPHY - AMERICAN, Jacket, 21.0 x 21.0cms, 96pp, b/w Photos, very good hardback & dustwrapper Mark Haworth-… Mehr…
AbeBooks.co.uk THE CROSS Art + Books, Sydney, NSW, Australia [2544790] [Beoordeling: 3 (van 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 15.61 Details... |

1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [PU: Konemann & Aperture Cologne 1999], PHOTOGRAPHY - AMERICAN, Jacket, 21.0 x 21.0cms, 96pp, b/w Photos, very good hardback & dustwrapper Mark Haworth-Booth has wri… Mehr…
AbeBooks.de THE CROSS Art + Books, Sydney, NSW, Australia [2544790] [Rating: 3 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 15.75 Details... |

1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [PU: Konemann & Aperture Cologne 1999], PHOTOGRAPHY - AMERICAN, Jacket, 21.0 x 21.0cms, 96pp, b/w Photos, very good hardback & dustwrapper Mark Haworth-Booth has wri… Mehr…
AbeBooks.de THE CROSS Art + Books, Sydney, NSW, Australia [2544790] [Rating: 3 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 15.75 Details... |
![Tina Modotti. [German transl.: Andrea Hamann. French transl.: JoeÍülle Marelli] / Aperture masters of photography - Modotti, Tina.](https://images.eurobuch.de/buch/cover/MzgyOTAyODg4MTtodHRwczovL3BpY3R1cmVzLmFiZWJvb2tzLmNvbS9pc2JuLzk3ODM4MjkwMjg4ODItZGUuanBn.jpg)
Tina Modotti. [German transl.: Andrea Hamann. French transl.: JoeÍülle Marelli] / Aperture masters of photography - gebunden oder broschiert
1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [PU: Köln : Könemann.], MODOTTI, TINA ; FOTOGRAFIE BILDBAND, FOTOGRAFIE, VIDEO, COMPUTERKUNST NOISBN, Jacket, 95 S. : zahlr. Ill. Umschlag berieben, sonst gut. G03-3… Mehr…
AbeBooks.de Antiquariat BehnkeBuch, Neu Kaliß, Germany [2451912] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Versandkosten: EUR 4.50 Details... |

1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [SC: 15.61], [PU: Konemann & Aperture Cologne 1999], PHOTOGRAPHY - AMERICAN, Jacket, 21.0 x 21.0cms, 96pp, b/w Photos, very good hardback & dustwrapper Mark Haworth-… Mehr…

Haworth-Booth, Mark (essay) & Paul Strand (photos):
Paul Strand (Aperture Masters Of Photography Series) - gebunden oder broschiert1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [SC: 15.61], [PU: Konemann & Aperture Cologne 1999], PHOTOGRAPHY - AMERICAN, Jacket, 21.0 x 21.0cms, 96pp, b/w Photos, very good hardback & dustwrapper Mark Haworth-… Mehr…

ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [PU: Konemann & Aperture Cologne 1999], PHOTOGRAPHY - AMERICAN, Jacket, 21.0 x 21.0cms, 96pp, b/w Photos, very good hardback & dustwrapper Mark Haworth-Booth has wri… Mehr…

1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [PU: Konemann & Aperture Cologne 1999], PHOTOGRAPHY - AMERICAN, Jacket, 21.0 x 21.0cms, 96pp, b/w Photos, very good hardback & dustwrapper Mark Haworth-Booth has wri… Mehr…
![Tina Modotti. [German transl.: Andrea Hamann. French transl.: JoeÍülle Marelli] / Aperture masters of photography - Modotti, Tina.](https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9783829028882-de.jpg)
Tina Modotti. [German transl.: Andrea Hamann. French transl.: JoeÍülle Marelli] / Aperture masters of photography - gebunden oder broschiert
1999, ISBN: 3829028881
[EAN: 9783829028882], [PU: Köln : Könemann.], MODOTTI, TINA ; FOTOGRAFIE BILDBAND, FOTOGRAFIE, VIDEO, COMPUTERKUNST NOISBN, Jacket, 95 S. : zahlr. Ill. Umschlag berieben, sonst gut. G03-3… Mehr…
Bibliographische Daten des bestpassenden Buches
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Aperture Masters of Photography: Tina Modotti
EAN (ISBN-13): 9783829028882
ISBN (ISBN-10): 3829028881
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 1999
Herausgeber: Könemann
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-05-23T16:23:08+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2025-01-26T16:21:08+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 3829028881
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
3-8290-2888-1, 978-3-8290-2888-2
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: tina modotti, könemann, konemann, margaret hooks, aperture, paul strand, seiz
Titel des Buches: tina modotti, aperture masters, photography now, useful photography, thats photography, new photography, nine masters photography, fotografie, caspar david friedrich das gesamte graphische werk, paul strand masters, aperture 163, aperture 162, hamann, glaser fachbuch
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