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Adobe Creative Team:

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 Classroom in a Book - Taschenbuch

2008, ISBN: 0321573900

[EAN: 9780321573902], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [SC: 2.4], [PU: Pearson Education (US), United States, Indianapolis], ADOBE CREATIVE TEAM PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 7 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK, Th… Mehr…

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Adobe Creative Team:

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 Classroom in a Book (Classroom in a Book (Adobe)) - Taschenbuch

2008, ISBN: 0321573900

[EAN: 9780321573902], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [PU: Adobe 24/11/2008], This book is in very good condition and will be shipped within 24 hours of ordering. The cover may have some l… Mehr…

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€ 8,54
Versand: € 69,971
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Adobe Creative Team:
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 Classroom in a Book - Taschenbuch


ISBN: 0321573900

[EAN: 9780321573902], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [PU: Adobe Press 2008-11-24], Item is in very good condition. If supplemental codes/CDs for textbooks are required please contact us p… Mehr…

NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 69.97 LowKeyBooks, Sumas, WA, U.S.A. [65875000] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
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$ 5,98
(ca. € 5,59)
Versand: € 15,701
Bestellengesponserter Link
Adobe Creative Team:
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 Classroom in a Book (Book & CD-ROM) - Taschenbuch

2008, ISBN: 9780321573902

Adobe Press, 2008-11-24. paperback. Fine. 7x0x9. Almost new book. Includes unopened CD-ROM.Over 1,000,000 satisfied customers since 1997! Choose expedited shipping (if available) for m… Mehr…

Versandkosten: EUR 15.70 The Book Cellar
bei AbeBooks.de
€ 4,25
Versand: € 78,381
Bestellengesponserter Link
Adobe Creative Team:
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 Classroom in a Book (Book CD-ROM) - Taschenbuch

2008, ISBN: 0321573900

[EAN: 9780321573902], Gebraucht, [PU: Adobe Press], May have some shelf-wear due to normal use. Your purchase funds free job training and education in the greater Seattle area. Thank you … Mehr…

NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 78.38 Seattle Goodwill, Seattle, WA, U.S.A. [51090990] [Rating: 4 (von 5)]

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Details zum Buch
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 [With CDROM]

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 Classroom in a Book is the most thorough and comprehensive way for new users to master all the new features in Adobe's consumer-targeted image editing software. Each chapter in this step-by-step, project-based guide contains a project that builds on the reader's growing knowledge of the program, while end-of-chapter review questions reinforce each lesson. Readers will learn the basics of editing their images with Photoshop Elements and will learn how best to use the program's many new features. These new features include applying incredible effects to your images with the new Smart Brush tool, fixing photos with one-step shortcuts, removing unwanted elements from your images with Adobe Photomerge Scene Cleaner, enhanced support for raw files, step-by-step assistance, sharing your photos in new rich, interactive Online Albums and more.

Detailangaben zum Buch - Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 [With CDROM]

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780321573902
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0321573900
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2008
Herausgeber: ADOBE PR
Gewicht: 0,816 kg
Sprache: eng/Englisch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-06-30T20:15:30+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-07-18T18:46:28+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9780321573902

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-321-57390-0, 978-0-321-57390-2
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: adobe creative team
Titel des Buches: photoshop elements training, classroom book, adobe photoshop elements, element, dobe photoshop elements, photoshop creative, rom

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