- 5 Ergebnisse
Kleinster Preis: € 60,00, größter Preis: € 296,90, Mittelwert: € 110,31
The Paintings of Joan Mitchell - LIVINGSTON, Jane, Linda Nochlia, Yvette Y. Lee and Joan Mitchell
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€ 70,71
Versand: € 47,601
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LIVINGSTON, Jane, Linda Nochlia, Yvette Y. Lee and Joan Mitchell:

The Paintings of Joan Mitchell - Erstausgabe

2002, ISBN: 0520235703


[EAN: 9780520235700], [SC: 47.6], [PU: Whitney Museum of American Art in association with University of California Press, New York and Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA], ART AND EXHIBITION CA… Mehr…

Versandkosten: EUR 47.60 Jeff Hirsch Books, ABAA, Wadsworth, IL, U.S.A. [845135] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
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$ 145,00
(ca. € 133,05)
Versand: € 16,341
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Livingston, Jane:

The Paintings of Joan Mitchell - Taschenbuch

2002, ISBN: 9780520235700

University of California Press, 2002. This is a very good softcover copy with just light wear. Completely clean inside and out. This catalog was prepared to accompany the traveling exhibi… Mehr…

Versandkosten: EUR 16.34 Design Books
bei alibris.co.uk
€ 99,38
Bestellengesponserter Link
Livingston, Jane:
The Paintings of Joan Mitchell - Erstausgabe


ISBN: 9780520235700


Paperback, Near Fine Condition, [ED: 1], Art & Design, 9780520235700. Art History. ~~Paperback~~VG+ 1st ed 2002 paperback, end-flaps to cover, Light usage only, profusely illustrated, unm… Mehr…

Versandkosten:zzgl. Versandkosten Cambridge, Cambs, 84 Charing Cross Road Books
The Paintings of JOAN MITCHELL - Livingston, Jane; Birmingham. Birmingham Museum of
bei ZVAB.com
€ 296,90
Versand: € 34,771
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Livingston, Jane; Birmingham. Birmingham Museum of:
The Paintings of JOAN MITCHELL - Taschenbuch

2002, ISBN: 0520235703

[EAN: 9780520235700], [SC: 34.77], [PU: 2002], LIVINGSTON, JANE, Livingston, Jane. The Paintings of JOAN MITCHELL. With essays by Linda Nochlin and Yvette Y. Lee; 237 pp., 79 color and 24… Mehr…

Versandkosten: EUR 34.77 Ursus Books, Ltd., New York, NY, U.S.A. [55366] [Rating: 2 (von 5)]
The Paintings of Joan Mitchell - Livingston, Jane; Nochlin, Lina; Lee, Yvette Y.
bei ZVAB.com
€ 60,00
Versand: € 4,001
Bestellengesponserter Link
Livingston, Jane; Nochlin, Lina; Lee, Yvette Y.:
The Paintings of Joan Mitchell - Taschenbuch

2004, ISBN: 0520235703

[EAN: 9780520235700], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [SC: 4.0], [PU: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York], MONOGRAPH, EXHIBITION, wraps with flaps, 237 pp Standard shipping (no track… Mehr…

NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 4.00 San Francisco Book Company, Paris, France [54917] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]

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Details zum Buch
The Paintings of Joan Mitchell

This exquisitely illustrated volume and the exhibition that it accompanies restore Joan Mitchell to her rightful place in the history of American artists--one of the few women among the first-rank Abstract Expressionist painters. 145 illustrations, 85 in color.

Detailangaben zum Buch - The Paintings of Joan Mitchell

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780520235700
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0520235703
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
Herausgeber: University of California Press
237 Seiten
Gewicht: 1,397 kg
Sprache: eng/Englisch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2007-04-10T11:03:58+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-08-09T01:53:48+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9780520235700

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-520-23570-3, 978-0-520-23570-0
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: livingston jane, yvette, joan mitchell, linda lee, nochlin, jan livingston, livingstone
Titel des Buches: american art, painting art, the paintings joan mitchell, joan mitchel, new american paintings, jane livingston

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