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SKY DRAGONS: Continuing the Story of the Dragons of Pern. - gebrauchtes Buch

2012, ISBN: 9780593066218

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Versandkosten: EUR 9.51 R. J. A. PAXTON-DENNY.
Sky Dragons (The Dragon Books, Band 21) - Todd McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey
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Todd McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey:

Sky Dragons (The Dragon Books, Band 21) - gebunden oder broschiert

2012, ISBN: 0593066219

[SR: 3038954], Gebundene Ausgabe, [EAN: 9780593066218], Bantam Press, Bantam Press, Book, [PU: Bantam Press], 2012-07-05, Bantam Press, Anne McCaffrey's Pern series has been running succe… Mehr…

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Anne & Todd McCaffrey:
Sky Dragons - Erstausgabe


ISBN: 0593066219

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[EAN: 9780593066218], Gebraucht, wie neu, [PU: Bantam Press, London], PERN, DRAGON, MCCAFFREY, Fiction|Science Fiction|General, Jacket, This is the last book in the Pern series that was w… Mehr…

NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 10.24 Random Numbers Books, Huonville, TAS, Australia [56454544] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
Sky Dragons (The Dragon Books) - Todd McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey
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Todd McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey:
Sky Dragons (The Dragon Books) - gebrauchtes Buch

2012, ISBN: 0593066219

[EAN: 9780593066218], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: Bantam Press 05/07/2012], Will be shipped promptly from UK warehouse. Book is in good condition with no missing pages, no damage or so… Mehr…

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Sky Dragons - Mccaffrey
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Sky Dragons - gebrauchtes Buch

ISBN: 9780593066218

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Details zum Buch
Sky Dragons (The Dragon Books)

Anne McCaffrey's Pern series has been running successfully for so long that most of the Dragonriders' original problems have been solved; inThe Skies of Pern, she confronts her standard cast of characters with the consequences of those solutions, consequences that are a whole new set of problems. Now that the Red Star has been pushed to another orbit, there will only be a few more ravenous Threads descending from it for them and their dragons to fight--and what role will that leave for them? They have successfully reclaimed Earth's lost technology--and suddenly everyone with a craft that might be outmoded, or who is phobic about surgery, is on the rampage, sabotaging and smashing and making up rumours. These fundamentalist Abominators are sure that something terrible will happen if the old ways are not gone back to--and sure enough, fire descends, on cue, from the skies... One of the reasons why Anne McCaffrey's tales of a lost colony declined into feudalism and of genetically engineered dragons have always been, ultimately, sf rather than fantasy is that they are about finding solutions to problems, solutions that involve working with what you are given to start off with; The Skies of Pern is all about elegant solutions to credible problems.

Detailangaben zum Buch - Sky Dragons (The Dragon Books)

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780593066218
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0593066219
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Herausgeber: Random House UK, Bantam Press
352 Seiten
Gewicht: 0,595 kg
Sprache: Englisch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2009-10-25T15:34:01+01:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2019-10-04T16:29:55+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9780593066218

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
0-593-06621-9, 978-0-593-06621-8
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: anne mccaffrey, todd mccaffrey
Titel des Buches: sky dragons, the sky, dragon books

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