In the Teeth of Evidence - neues Buch
ISBN: 9780771060250
A collection of short stories featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, Montague Egg, and others. Includes stories such as `Absolutely Everywhere,` `Bitter Almonds`, and `The Leopard Lady.` Pengui… Mehr… Ebook, Englisch, Neuware Versandkosten:Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland, Sofort lieferbar, DE. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
In the Teeth of Evidence (eBook, ePUB) - neues Buch
ISBN: 9780771060250
A collection of short stories featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, Montague Egg, and others. Includes stories such as ´´Absolutely Everywhere,´´ ´´Bitter Almonds´´, and ´´The Leopard Lady.´´ Peng… Mehr… No. 45534800 Versandkosten:, Versandkostenfrei innerhalb von Deutschland, DE, Sofort per Download lieferbar, Lieferzeit 1-2 Werktage (EUR 0.00) Details... |
In the Teeth of Evidence - neues Buch
ISBN: 9780771060250
A collection of short stories featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, Montague Egg, and others. Includes stories such as `Absolutely Everywhere,` `Bitter Almonds`, and `The Leopard Lady.` Pengui… Mehr…
Dorothy L. Sayers:
In the Teeth of Evidence (eBook, ePUB) - neues BuchISBN: 9780771060250
A collection of short stories featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, Montague Egg, and others. Includes stories such as ´´Absolutely Everywhere,´´ ´´Bitter Almonds´´, and ´´The Leopard Lady.´´ Peng… Mehr…
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Detailangaben zum Buch - In the Teeth of Evidence
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780771060250
Herausgeber: Mcclelland & Stewart
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2016-08-09T12:27:19+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2016-08-15T22:49:33+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9780771060250
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Autor des Buches: dorothy sayers
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