The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny st… Mehr…
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny streets, the Foveaux houses range from terrible dingy slum-dwellings with searing drains at the foot of the hill to much more substantial semi-respectable abodes at the top.Interspersed between all this teeming residential activity are the smoky small factories and dubious shop concerns where the locals scrape out a precarious living, and the pubs which give them succour. Kylie Tennant's extraordinary second novel is her first exploration of the city. Starting in 1912 and progressing deep into the 1930s, Tennant follows a myriad of storylines and characters with astonishing aplomb, slowly building up, with wit and empathy, a poetic portrait of a locale which makes a futile stab at hitting the heights, and very successfully plumbs the lows, of its times. And all the while she never forgets the simple humanity which graces so strikingly such a moving and funny picture.; EPUB; Fiction > Modern & contemporary fiction, Publicious Book Publishing<
No. 9780992422059. Versandkosten:Instock, Despatched same working day before 3pm, zzgl. Versandkosten. Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny st… Mehr…
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny streets, the Foveaux houses range from terrible dingy slum-dwellings with searing drains at the foot of the hill to much more substantial semi-respectable abodes at the top.Interspersed between all this teeming residential activity are the smoky small factories and dubious shop concerns where the locals scrape out a precarious living, and the pubs which give them succour. Kylie Tennant's extraordinary second novel is her first exploration of the city. Starting in 1912 and progressing deep into the 1930s, Tennant follows a myriad of storylines and characters with astonishing aplomb, slowly building up, with wit and empathy, a poetic portrait of a locale which makes a futile stab at hitting the heights, and very successfully plumbs the lows, of its times. And all the while she never forgets the simple humanity which graces so strikingly such a moving and funny picture.; EPUB; Fiction > Modern & contemporary fiction, Distributed via Smashwords<
No. 9780992422059. Versandkosten:Instock, Despatched same working day before 3pm, zzgl. Versandkosten. Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny st… Mehr…
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny streets, the Foveaux houses range from terrible dingy slum-dwellings with searing drains at the foot of the hill to much more substantial semi-respectable abodes at the top.Interspersed between all this teeming residential activity are the smoky small factories and dubious shop concerns where the locals scrape out a precarious living, and the pubs which give them succour. Kylie Tennant's extraordinary second novel is her first exploration of the city. Starting in 1912 and progressing deep into the 1930s, Tennant follows a myriad of storylines and characters with astonishing aplomb, slowly building up, with wit and empathy, a poetic portrait of a locale which makes a futile stab at hitting the heights, and very successfully plumbs the lows, of its times. And all the while she never forgets the simple humanity which graces so strikingly such a moving and funny picture.; EPUB; Fiction > Modern & contemporary fiction, Michael Walmer<
No. 9780992422059. Versandkosten:Instock, Despatched same working day before 3pm, zzgl. Versandkosten. Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney. From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny s… Mehr…
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney. From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny streets, the Foveaux houses range from terrible dingy slum-dwellings with searing drains at the foot of the hill to much more substantial semi-respectable abodes at the top. Interspersed between all this teeming residential activity are the smoky small factories and dubious shop concerns where the locals scrape out a precarious living, and the pubs which give them succour. Kylie Tennant's extraordinary second novel is her first exploration of the city. Starting in 1912 and progressing deep into the 1930s, Tennant follows a myriad of storylines and characters with astonishing aplomb, slowly building up, with wit and empathy, a poetic portrait of a locale which makes a futile stab at hitting the heights, and very successfully plumbs the lows, of its times. And all the while she never forgets the simple humanity which graces so strikingly such a moving and funny picture. eBook Kylie Tennant ePUB, Michael Walmer, 25.08.2014, Michael Walmer, 2014<
Nr. 86497617. Versandkosten:, Sofort per Download lieferbar, DE. (EUR 0.00) Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny st… Mehr…
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny streets, the Foveaux houses range from terrible dingy slum-dwellings with searing drains at the foot of the hill to much more substantial semi-respectable abodes at the top.Interspersed between all this teeming residential activity are the smoky small factories and dubious shop concerns where the locals scrape out a precarious living, and the pubs which give them succour. Kylie Tennant's extraordinary second novel is her first exploration of the city. Starting in 1912 and progressing deep into the 1930s, Tennant follows a myriad of storylines and characters with astonishing aplomb, slowly building up, with wit and empathy, a poetic portrait of a locale which makes a futile stab at hitting the heights, and very successfully plumbs the lows, of its times. And all the while she never forgets the simple humanity which graces so strikingly such a moving and funny picture.; EPUB; Fiction > Modern & contemporary fiction, Publicious Book Publishing<
No. 9780992422059. Versandkosten:Instock, Despatched same working day before 3pm, zzgl. Versandkosten.
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny st… Mehr…
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny streets, the Foveaux houses range from terrible dingy slum-dwellings with searing drains at the foot of the hill to much more substantial semi-respectable abodes at the top.Interspersed between all this teeming residential activity are the smoky small factories and dubious shop concerns where the locals scrape out a precarious living, and the pubs which give them succour. Kylie Tennant's extraordinary second novel is her first exploration of the city. Starting in 1912 and progressing deep into the 1930s, Tennant follows a myriad of storylines and characters with astonishing aplomb, slowly building up, with wit and empathy, a poetic portrait of a locale which makes a futile stab at hitting the heights, and very successfully plumbs the lows, of its times. And all the while she never forgets the simple humanity which graces so strikingly such a moving and funny picture.; EPUB; Fiction > Modern & contemporary fiction, Distributed via Smashwords<
No. 9780992422059. Versandkosten:Instock, Despatched same working day before 3pm, zzgl. Versandkosten.
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny st… Mehr…
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney.From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny streets, the Foveaux houses range from terrible dingy slum-dwellings with searing drains at the foot of the hill to much more substantial semi-respectable abodes at the top.Interspersed between all this teeming residential activity are the smoky small factories and dubious shop concerns where the locals scrape out a precarious living, and the pubs which give them succour. Kylie Tennant's extraordinary second novel is her first exploration of the city. Starting in 1912 and progressing deep into the 1930s, Tennant follows a myriad of storylines and characters with astonishing aplomb, slowly building up, with wit and empathy, a poetic portrait of a locale which makes a futile stab at hitting the heights, and very successfully plumbs the lows, of its times. And all the while she never forgets the simple humanity which graces so strikingly such a moving and funny picture.; EPUB; Fiction > Modern & contemporary fiction, Michael Walmer<
No. 9780992422059. Versandkosten:Instock, Despatched same working day before 3pm, zzgl. Versandkosten.
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney. From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny s… Mehr…
The inner city suburb of Foveaux is known as a place of ill-repute; it's a bit of an embarrassment to the good people of Sydney. From the harbour shore up a steep hill in a maze of tiny streets, the Foveaux houses range from terrible dingy slum-dwellings with searing drains at the foot of the hill to much more substantial semi-respectable abodes at the top. Interspersed between all this teeming residential activity are the smoky small factories and dubious shop concerns where the locals scrape out a precarious living, and the pubs which give them succour. Kylie Tennant's extraordinary second novel is her first exploration of the city. Starting in 1912 and progressing deep into the 1930s, Tennant follows a myriad of storylines and characters with astonishing aplomb, slowly building up, with wit and empathy, a poetic portrait of a locale which makes a futile stab at hitting the heights, and very successfully plumbs the lows, of its times. And all the while she never forgets the simple humanity which graces so strikingly such a moving and funny picture. eBook Kylie Tennant ePUB, Michael Walmer, 25.08.2014, Michael Walmer, 2014<
Nr. 86497617. Versandkosten:, Sofort per Download lieferbar, DE. (EUR 0.00)
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EAN (ISBN-13): 9780992422059 Erscheinungsjahr: 8 Herausgeber: Michael Walmer
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2014-10-09T01:22:38+02:00 (Berlin) Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-11-29T10:08:54+01:00 (Berlin) ISBN/EAN: 9780992422059
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen: 978-0-9924220-5-9 Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe: Autor des Buches: tennant, small foot, mcgregor
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