Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other count… Mehr…
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other countries at a time characterized by globalization it has particular focus on the role of international trade investment and migration. The book examines how a small open state adapted successfully to the demands of (and opportunities provided by) a global market place. Not only did Norway manage an impressive economic record but it developed concomitantly. In short the Norwegian example provides hope for development in a context of globalization. This text provides the student with a pioneering new vantage point for understanding the nature and scope of today's globalization and its effect on economic (and political) development. It also provides a historical reflection on the liberal antecedent of modern social democracy. Media > Books > Print Books new, Routledge<
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other count… Mehr…
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other countries at a time characterized by globalization it has particular focus on the role of international trade investment and migration. The book examines how a small open state adapted successfully to the demands of (and opportunities provided by) a global market place. Not only did Norway manage an impressive economic record but it developed concomitantly. In short the Norwegian example provides hope for development in a context of globalization. This text provides the student with a pioneering new vantage point for understanding the nature and scope of today's globalization and its effect on economic (and political) development. It also provides a historical reflection on the liberal antecedent of modern social democracy. Media > Books > Print Books new, Routledge<
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other count… Mehr…
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other countries at a time characterized by globalization it has particular focus on the role of international trade investment and migration. The book examines how a small open state adapted successfully to the demands of (and opportunities provided by) a global market place. Not only did Norway manage an impressive economic record but it developed concomitantly. In short the Norwegian example provides hope for development in a context of globalization. This text provides the student with a pioneering new vantage point for understanding the nature and scope of today's globalization and its effect on economic (and political) development. It also provides a historical reflection on the liberal antecedent of modern social democracy. new, Routledge<
[EAN: 9781138296190], Neubuch, [PU: Taylor & Francis], NORGES BANK NORWAY´S ECONOMIC ECONOMY NORWEGIAN DEVELOPMENT EXPORT DRIVEN GROWTH MODEL LABOR MOVEMENT RELIANCE STATISTICAL BUREAU, Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Jonathon W. Moses is from the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitmen., Books<
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other count… Mehr…
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other countries at a time characterized by globalization it has particular focus on the role of international trade investment and migration. The book examines how a small open state adapted successfully to the demands of (and opportunities provided by) a global market place. Not only did Norway manage an impressive economic record but it developed concomitantly. In short the Norwegian example provides hope for development in a context of globalization. This text provides the student with a pioneering new vantage point for understanding the nature and scope of today's globalization and its effect on economic (and political) development. It also provides a historical reflection on the liberal antecedent of modern social democracy. Media > Books > Print Books new, Routledge<
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other count… Mehr…
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other countries at a time characterized by globalization it has particular focus on the role of international trade investment and migration. The book examines how a small open state adapted successfully to the demands of (and opportunities provided by) a global market place. Not only did Norway manage an impressive economic record but it developed concomitantly. In short the Norwegian example provides hope for development in a context of globalization. This text provides the student with a pioneering new vantage point for understanding the nature and scope of today's globalization and its effect on economic (and political) development. It also provides a historical reflection on the liberal antecedent of modern social democracy. Media > Books > Print Books new, Routledge<
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other count… Mehr…
Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitments and opportunities. Detailing Norway's economic performance relative to other countries at a time characterized by globalization it has particular focus on the role of international trade investment and migration. The book examines how a small open state adapted successfully to the demands of (and opportunities provided by) a global market place. Not only did Norway manage an impressive economic record but it developed concomitantly. In short the Norwegian example provides hope for development in a context of globalization. This text provides the student with a pioneering new vantage point for understanding the nature and scope of today's globalization and its effect on economic (and political) development. It also provides a historical reflection on the liberal antecedent of modern social democracy. new, Routledge<
[EAN: 9781138296190], Neubuch, [PU: Taylor & Francis], NORGES BANK NORWAY´S ECONOMIC ECONOMY NORWEGIAN DEVELOPMENT EXPORT DRIVEN GROWTH MODEL LABOR MOVEMENT RELIANCE STATISTICAL BUREAU, Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Jonathon W. Moses is from the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.Norwegian Catch-Up looks at the early Norwegian economic trajectory in light of its external commitmen., Books<
1Da einige Plattformen keine Versandkonditionen übermitteln und diese vom Lieferland, dem Einkaufspreis, dem Gewicht und der Größe des Artikels, einer möglichen Mitgliedschaft der Plattform, einer direkten Lieferung durch die Plattform oder über einen Drittanbieter (Marketplace), etc. abhängig sein können, ist es möglich, dass die von eurobuch angegebenen Versandkosten nicht mit denen der anbietenden Plattform übereinstimmen.
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2017-10-08T00:52:02+02:00 (Berlin) Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-05-22T01:22:57+02:00 (Berlin) ISBN/EAN: 9781138296190
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen: 1-138-29619-8, 978-1-138-29619-0 Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe: Autor des Buches: moses Titel des Buches: norwegian, catch
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