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Werk Der Glaskunst: Feldkirche, Portlandvase, Berliner Glasamphora aus Olbia, Wallertheimer Hündchen, Westfälisches Abendmahl (Paperback) - Taschenbuch

2011, ISBN: 1159345929

[EAN: 9781159345921], Neubuch, [PU: General Books], Language: German Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****. Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 29. Nicht dargestellt. Kapitel: Feldkirche, Por… Mehr…

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Werk Der Glaskunst: Feldkirche, Portlandvase, Berliner Glasamphora aus Olbia, Wallertheimer Hündchen, Westfälisches Abendmahl (Paperback) - Taschenbuch

2011, ISBN: 1159345929

[EAN: 9781159345921], Neubuch, [PU: General Books], Language: German Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****.Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 29. Nicht dargestellt. Kapitel: Feldkirche, Port… Mehr…

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Abstract of Results of a Study of the Genera Geomys and Thomomys; With Addenda on the Osteology of Geomyida, and on the Habits of Geomys Tuza - Elliott Coues
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Elliott Coues:
Abstract of Results of a Study of the Genera Geomys and Thomomys; With Addenda on the Osteology of Geomyida, and on the Habits of Geomys Tuza - Taschenbuch

ISBN: 1159345929

Taschenbuch, [EAN: 9781159345921], Rarebooksclub.com, Rarebooksclub.com, Book, [PU: Rarebooksclub.com], Rarebooksclub.com, 541686, Kategorien, 117, Belletristik, 187254, Biografien & Erin… Mehr…

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Abstract of Results of a Study of the Genera Geomys and Thomomys; With Addenda on the Osteology of Geomyida, and on the Habits of Geomys Tuza - Elliott Coues
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Elliott Coues:
Abstract of Results of a Study of the Genera Geomys and Thomomys; With Addenda on the Osteology of Geomyida, and on the Habits of Geomys Tuza - Taschenbuch

ISBN: 1159345929

Taschenbuch, [EAN: 9781159345921], Rarebooksclub.com, Rarebooksclub.com, Book, [PU: Rarebooksclub.com], Rarebooksclub.com, 541686, Kategorien, 117, Belletristik, 187254, Biografien & Erin… Mehr…

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Coues, Elliott:
Abstract of Results of a Study of the Genera Geomys and Thomomys; With Addenda on the Osteology of Geomyida, and on the Habits of Geomys Tuza - Taschenbuch

2012, ISBN: 9781159345921

Trade paperback, New., Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 28 p. Contains: Illustrations, black & white., Miami FL, [PU: Rarebooksclub.com]

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Details zum Buch

Detailangaben zum Buch - Werk Der Glaskunst

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781159345921
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1159345929
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Herausgeber: General Books
32 Seiten
Sprache: ger/Deutsch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2011-04-02T21:54:07+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2015-07-15T16:07:41+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9781159345921

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-159-34592-9, 978-1-159-34592-1
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: bücher, coues, coue
Titel des Buches: glaskunst, olbia, portlandvase, osteology, abstract results study the genera geomys and thomomys

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