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ISBN: 9781444133035

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Thomas, M: Perfect French with the Michel / CD - Michel Thomas
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Michel Thomas:

Thomas, M: Perfect French with the Michel / CD - neues Buch

ISBN: 9781444133035

Take your competence in French to an advanced level with the Michel Thomas Method. Effortlessly learn complex grammar structures and expand your vocabulary to speak French confidently and… Mehr…

Nr. A1056241647. Versandkosten:Lieferzeiten außerhalb der Schweiz 3 bis 21 Werktage, , in stock, zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 18.01)
Thomas, M: Perfect French with the Michel / CD - Michel Thomas
bei Orellfuessli.ch
CHF 212,00
(ca. € 225,68)
Versand: € 19,161
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Michel Thomas:
Thomas, M: Perfect French with the Michel / CD - neues Buch

ISBN: 9781444133035

Take your competence in French to an advanced level with the Michel Thomas Method. Effortlessly learn complex grammar structures and expand your vocabulary to speak French confidently and… Mehr…

Nr. A1056241647. Versandkosten:Lieferzeiten außerhalb der Schweiz 3 bis 21 Werktage, , 1-2 Werktagen, zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 19.16)
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€ 50,65
Versand: € 0,001
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Thomas, Michel:
Perfect French with the Michel Thomas Method (Michel Thomas Series) - gebrauchtes Buch

2012, ISBN: 1444133039

[EAN: 9781444133035], [SC: 0.0], [PU: Hodder Education Publishers], Ausreichend/Acceptable: Exemplar mit vollständigem Text und sämtlichen Abbildungen oder Karten. Schmutztitel oder Vorsa… Mehr…

Versandkosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) medimops, Berlin, Germany [55410863] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
bei AbeBooks.de
€ 334,70
Versand: € 5,291
Bestellengesponserter Link
Thomas, Michel:
Perfect French with the Michel Thomas Method (Michel Thomas Series) - gebrauchtes Buch

2012, ISBN: 1444133039

[EAN: 9781444133035], [PU: Hodder Education Publishers]

Versandkosten: EUR 5.29 Irish Booksellers, Portland, ME, U.S.A. [57531671] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]

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Bibliographische Daten des bestpassenden Buches

Details zum Buch
Perfect French with the Michel Thomas Method (Michel Thomas Series)

Take your competence in French to an advanced level with the Michel Thomas Method. Effortlessly learn complex grammar structures and expand your vocabulary to speak French confidently and fluently in all situations.Listen, connect and speak French and learn all you need to converse fluently and confidently in many different situations: social, business, formal and informal.How does it work?- LISTEN - collect words effortlessly by listening- CONNECT - create your own mental tool kit by understanding how the words fit together- SPEAK - put the words back together to build sentences, naturallyWhy should I choose it?- Guaranteed success - speak and understand perfectly- Incredible progress - get what you want, fast- Absolute confidence - unleash your natural learning style without tryingHow far will I get?- A high level of competence, equivalent to A-level and beyond- Confident, fluent and grammatically correct in all situations, with a wide vocabulary to draw on

Detailangaben zum Buch - Perfect French with the Michel Thomas Method (Michel Thomas Series)

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781444133035
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1444133039
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Herausgeber: Hodder Education Group
Gewicht: 0,659 kg
Sprache: eng/Englisch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2008-02-05T23:16:50+01:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-10-02T14:49:53+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9781444133035

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-4441-3303-9, 978-1-4441-3303-5
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: michel thomas
Titel des Buches: nobody perfect, michel thomas french

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