- 5 Ergebnisse
Kleinster Preis: € 16,33, größter Preis: € 594,00, Mittelwert: € 144,93
Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning: Her Lifetime in Photography - Partridge, Elizabeth
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€ 594,00
Versand: € 2,901
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Partridge, Elizabeth:

Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning: Her Lifetime in Photography - Erstausgabe

2013, ISBN: 9781452122168

Chronicle Books Llc, Copertina rigida, Auflage: 1, 192 Seiten, Publiziert: 2013-11-05T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Libro, Hersteller-Nr.: 100 photographs, 3.06 kg, Biografie e autobiografie,… Mehr…

Sammlerstück. Versandkosten:Le spese di spedizione possono differire dai costi effettivi. (EUR 2.90)
Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning: Her Lifetime in Photography - Partridge, Elizabeth
bei amazon.it
€ 57,95
Versand: € 2,901
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Partridge, Elizabeth:

Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning: Her Lifetime in Photography - Erstausgabe

2013, ISBN: 9781452122168

Chronicle Books Llc, Copertina rigida, Auflage: 1, 192 Seiten, Publiziert: 2013-11-05T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Libro, Hersteller-Nr.: 100 photographs, 3.06 kg, Biografie e autobiografie,… Mehr…

Versandkosten:Disponibilità immediata. Le spese di spedizione possono differire dai costi effettivi. (EUR 2.90) Ultimate Treasures IT
Dorothea Lange : Grab a Hunk of Lightning - Partridge, Elizabeth
bei ZVAB.com
£ 15,72
(ca. € 17,98)
Versand: € 5,731
Bestellengesponserter Link
Partridge, Elizabeth:
Dorothea Lange : Grab a Hunk of Lightning - Erstausgabe


ISBN: 1452122164

Gebundene Ausgabe

[EAN: 9781452122168], Used, good, [SC: 5.73], [PU: Chronicle Books LLC], Former library book; may include library markings. Used book that is in clean, average condition without any missi… Mehr…

NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 5.73 Better World Books, Mishawaka, IN, U.S.A. [51315977] [Rating: 5 (of 5)]
bei AbeBooks.co.uk
£ 14,28
(ca. € 16,33)
Versand: € 11,691
Bestellengesponserter Link
Partridge, Elizabeth:
Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning: Her Lifetime in Photography - gebunden oder broschiert

2013, ISBN: 1452122164

[EAN: 9781452122168], Used, good, [SC: 11.69], [PU: Chronicle Books], Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less, Books

NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 11.69 ThriftBooks-Dallas, Dallas, TX, U.S.A. [54448258] [Rating: 5 (of 5)]
bei Biblio.co.uk
$ 40,99
(ca. € 38,37)
Versand: € 16,831
Bestellengesponserter Link
Partridge, Elizabeth:
Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning - gebrauchtes Buch

ISBN: 9781452122168

Good. Good Condition; may contain minimal marking or notes to text; wear to cover; dust jacket has some wear., 2.5

Versandkosten: EUR 16.83 William Michael Books

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Details zum Buch
Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning: Her Lifetime in Photography

This beautiful volume celebrates one of the twentieth century's most important photographers, Dorothea Lange. Led off by an authoritative biographical essay by Elizabeth Partridge (Lange's goddaughter), the book goes on to showcase Lange's work in over a hundred glorious plates. Dorothea Lange is the only career-spanning monograph of this major photographer's oeuvre in print, and features images ranging from her iconic Depression-era photograph "Migrant Mother" to lesser-known images from her global travels later in life. Presented as the companion book to a PBS American Masters episode that will air in 2014, this deluxe hardcover offers an intimate and unparalleled view into the life and work of one of our most cherished documentary photographers.

Detailangaben zum Buch - Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning: Her Lifetime in Photography

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781452122168
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1452122164
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Herausgeber: Chronicle Books Llc

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2009-03-23T01:28:26+01:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2023-11-19T12:10:11+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9781452122168

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-4521-2216-4, 978-1-4521-2216-8
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: dorothea lange, lang
Titel des Buches: dorothea lange, dorothea lang, lange lifetime, grab, almost lifetime, partridge

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