Nadine Gordimer: Weaving Together Fiction, Women and Politics Vanessa Everson Translator - neues Buch
ISBN: 9781920499914
A fascinating intersection of intellectual minds, this literary critique views the writing of Nobel Prize–winner Nadine Gordimer through the fresh perspective of a respected French … Mehr…
A fascinating intersection of intellectual minds, this literary critique views the writing of Nobel Prize–winner Nadine Gordimer through the fresh perspective of a respected French academic. Available for the first time in English, this analysis introduces the important works of a South African activist for equality and political freedom to a new audience while creating a multinational reading experience. Trade Books>Trade Paperback>Literature>Literature>Lit Companions, University of Cape Town Press Core >1<
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A fascinating intersection of intellectual minds, this literary critique views the writing of Nobel Prizewinner Nadine Gordimer through the fresh perspective of a respected French academi… Mehr…
A fascinating intersection of intellectual minds, this literary critique views the writing of Nobel Prizewinner Nadine Gordimer through the fresh perspective of a respected French academic. Available for the first time in English, thisanalysis introduces the important works of a South African activist for equality and political freedom to a new audience while creating a multinational reading experience. Literary Criticism Literary Criticism eBook, University of Cape Town Press<
Paperback, [PU: University of Cape Town Press], This book is a translation into English of Denise Brahimi's literary critique of the works of Nadine Gordimer (Nadine Gordimer: La femme, l… Mehr…
Paperback, [PU: University of Cape Town Press], This book is a translation into English of Denise Brahimi's literary critique of the works of Nadine Gordimer (Nadine Gordimer: La femme, la politique, le roman. 2000). Brahimi is a French intellectual known particularly for her scholarship on contemporary African women writers., Literary Studies: General<
Vanessa Everson: Nadine Gordimer: Weaving Together Fiction, Women and Politics - Taschenbuch
ISBN: 9781920499914
Nadine Gordimer: Weaving Together Fiction, Women and Politics Nadine-Gordimer~~Vanessa-Everson Literature>Literature>Lit Companions Paperback, University of Cape Town Press
Nadine Gordimer: Weaving Together Fiction, Women and Politics Vanessa Everson Translator - neues Buch
ISBN: 9781920499914
A fascinating intersection of intellectual minds, this literary critique views the writing of Nobel Prize–winner Nadine Gordimer through the fresh perspective of a respected French … Mehr…
A fascinating intersection of intellectual minds, this literary critique views the writing of Nobel Prize–winner Nadine Gordimer through the fresh perspective of a respected French academic. Available for the first time in English, this analysis introduces the important works of a South African activist for equality and political freedom to a new audience while creating a multinational reading experience. Trade Books>Trade Paperback>Literature>Literature>Lit Companions, University of Cape Town Press Core >1<
A fascinating intersection of intellectual minds, this literary critique views the writing of Nobel Prizewinner Nadine Gordimer through the fresh perspective of a respected French academi… Mehr…
A fascinating intersection of intellectual minds, this literary critique views the writing of Nobel Prizewinner Nadine Gordimer through the fresh perspective of a respected French academic. Available for the first time in English, thisanalysis introduces the important works of a South African activist for equality and political freedom to a new audience while creating a multinational reading experience. Literary Criticism Literary Criticism eBook, University of Cape Town Press<
Paperback, [PU: University of Cape Town Press], This book is a translation into English of Denise Brahimi's literary critique of the works of Nadine Gordimer (Nadine Gordimer: La femme, l… Mehr…
Paperback, [PU: University of Cape Town Press], This book is a translation into English of Denise Brahimi's literary critique of the works of Nadine Gordimer (Nadine Gordimer: La femme, la politique, le roman. 2000). Brahimi is a French intellectual known particularly for her scholarship on contemporary African women writers., Literary Studies: General<
Vanessa Everson: Nadine Gordimer: Weaving Together Fiction, Women and Politics - Taschenbuch
ISBN: 9781920499914
Nadine Gordimer: Weaving Together Fiction, Women and Politics Nadine-Gordimer~~Vanessa-Everson Literature>Literature>Lit Companions Paperback, University of Cape Town Press
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Nadine Gordimer: Weaving Together Fiction, Women and Politics Vanessa Everson Translator
EAN (ISBN-13): 9781920499914 ISBN (ISBN-10): 1920499911 Taschenbuch Erscheinungsjahr: 2012 Herausgeber: University of Cape Town Press Core >1
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2013-01-23T13:27:30+01:00 (Berlin) Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2019-11-14T12:29:06+01:00 (Berlin) ISBN/EAN: 9781920499914
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen: 1-920499-91-1, 978-1-920499-91-4 Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe: Autor des Buches: shapiro, cara, vanessa, denise brahimi, nadin gordimer, nadine gordimer Titel des Buches: weaving well, gordimer, nadin, weaving together, nadine
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