I, William Gray, seeing I could write poetry and pros, determined this gift was of God, my savior Jesus Christ. I deemed it necessary that I would write for the glory … Mehr…
I, William Gray, seeing I could write poetry and pros, determined this gift was of God, my savior Jesus Christ. I deemed it necessary that I would write for the glory to God for allowing me this opportunity to be in a position to share with others, the love of God; also to warn people that there are consequences to choices we make in life. Now a devout Christian and member of New Creation Cathedral Church, under the leadership of Bishop Anthony Mosley, who have been very supportive of this book compiled with testimonies and inspiration. It is my intent to inspire others that it's time to take a “Closer walk with Thee.” My goal is also to encourage hearts and minds that there is hope and that hope is in Jesus the Christ. To the readers, “I encourage you to get up close and personal with the Savior.” Digital Content>E-books>Religion,Inspiration>Christian Fiction>Christian Fiction, Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC Digital >16<
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*Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking * / epub eBook für 2.99€ / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks-Belletristik-Dramen & Lyrik epub eBook eBook epub n… Mehr…
*Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking * / epub eBook für 2.99€ / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks-Belletristik-Dramen & Lyrik epub eBook eBook epub no Medien > Bücher > E-Books eBooks > Belletristik > Dramen & Lyrik, Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC<
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Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking: ab 2.99 € eBooks > Belletristik > Dramen & Lyrik Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC eBook als epub, Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC
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I, William Gray, seeing I could write poetry and pros, determined this gift was of God, my savior Jesus Christ. I deemed it necessary that I would write for the glory … Mehr…
I, William Gray, seeing I could write poetry and pros, determined this gift was of God, my savior Jesus Christ. I deemed it necessary that I would write for the glory to God for allowing me this opportunity to be in a position to share with others, the love of God; also to warn people that there are consequences to choices we make in life. Now a devout Christian and member of New Creation Cathedral Church, under the leadership of Bishop Anthony Mosley, who have been very supportive of this book compiled with testimonies and inspiration. It is my intent to inspire others that it's time to take a “Closer walk with Thee.” My goal is also to encourage hearts and minds that there is hope and that hope is in Jesus the Christ. To the readers, “I encourage you to get up close and personal with the Savior.” Digital Content>E-books>Religion,Inspiration>Christian Fiction>Christian Fiction, Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC Digital >16<
new in stock. Versandkosten:m�s costos de env�o., zzgl. Versandkosten
*Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking * / epub eBook für 2.99€ / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks-Belletristik-Dramen & Lyrik epub eBook eBook epub n… Mehr…
*Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking * / epub eBook für 2.99€ / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks-Belletristik-Dramen & Lyrik epub eBook eBook epub no Medien > Bücher > E-Books eBooks > Belletristik > Dramen & Lyrik, Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC<
Versandkosten:in stock, , Jetzt herunterladen und sofort genießen., m�s costos de env�o. (EUR 7.50)
Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking: ab 2.99 € eBooks > Belletristik > Dramen & Lyrik Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC eBook als epub, Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Up Close & Personal...Poetically Speaking William Gray Author
EAN (ISBN-13): 9781945066016 Erscheinungsjahr: 2019 Herausgeber: Krystal Lee Enterprises LLC Digital >16
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2019-08-28T16:01:40+02:00 (Berlin) Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-10-13T10:47:02+02:00 (Berlin) ISBN/EAN: 9781945066016
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen: 978-1-945066-01-6 Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe: Autor des Buches: william gray Titel des Buches: close personal
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