This book provides an in-depth insight into the symptoms and symptom complexes affecting the lower urinary tract and the underlying causative conditions. The emphasis throughout is practi… Mehr…
This book provides an in-depth insight into the symptoms and symptom complexes affecting the lower urinary tract and the underlying causative conditions. The emphasis throughout is practical and clinical, with coverage of all levels of the patient pathway. In addition to the extensive guidance on diagnostic assessment and interpretation, the management of voiding and storage lower urinary tract symptoms, including incontinence, is fully described and potential complications and neurological conditions are discussed. Information is also included on relevant basic science and epidemiology. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Adults: A Clinical Approach will be an ideal source of expert knowledge for practitioners in functional urology, urogynecology, and neuro-urology gerontology. . Digital Content>E-books>Medicine>Medical Ref>Spec Procedure, Springer International Publishing Digital >16<
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This book provides an in-depth insight into the symptoms and symptom complexes affecting the lower urinary tract and the underlying causative conditions. The emphasis throughout is practi… Mehr…
This book provides an in-depth insight into the symptoms and symptom complexes affecting the lower urinary tract and the underlying causative conditions. The emphasis throughout is practical and clinical, with coverage of all levels of the patient pathway. In addition to the extensive guidance on diagnostic assessment and interpretation, the management of voiding and storage lower urinary tract symptoms, including incontinence, is fully described and potential complications and neurological conditions are discussed. Information is also included on relevant basic science and epidemiology. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Adults: A Clinical Approach will be an ideal source of expert knowledge for practitioners in functional urology, urogynecology, and neuro-urology gerontology. . Digital Content>E-books>Medicine>Medical Ref>Spec Procedure, Springer International Publishing Digital >16<
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The Urinary Tract: Form and Function.- The Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms.- Conditions and Syndromes.- LUTS assessment.- Treatment of Voiding LUTS.- Treatment of Storage LUTS.- Influences and Complications.- Neurological Diseases and LUTS. Provides in-depth insights into each symptom and symptom complex Offers a practical emphasis, with detailed coverage of assessment and management Discusses potential complications and relevant neurological conditions
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