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Institutional Grammar: Foundations and Applications for Institutional Analysis Christopher K. Frantz Author - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783030863722

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Institutional Grammar, an approach for analyzing the design of institutions. To lay the foundation for the application of the Gramma… Mehr…

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Institutional Grammar - Christopher K. Frantz; Saba Siddiki
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Christopher K. Frantz; Saba Siddiki:

Institutional Grammar - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783030863722

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Institutional Grammar, an approach for analyzing the design of institutions. To lay the foundation for the application of the Gramma… Mehr…

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Institutional Grammar
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€ 96,29
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Institutional Grammar - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783030863722

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Institutional Grammar, an approach for analyzing the design of institutions. To lay the foundation for the application of the Gramma… Mehr…

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Institutional Grammar - Christopher K. Frantz; Saba Siddiki
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Christopher K. Frantz; Saba Siddiki:
Institutional Grammar - neues Buch

2022, ISBN: 9783030863722

Foundations and Applications for Institutional Analysis, eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), 1st ed. 2022, [PU: Springer International Publishing], Springer International Publishing, 2022

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Institutional Grammar - Christopher K. Frantz; Saba Siddiki
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Christopher K. Frantz; Saba Siddiki:
Institutional Grammar - Erstausgabe

2022, ISBN: 9783030863722

Foundations and Applications for Institutional Analysis, eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), Auflage, [PU: Palgrave Macmillan], Seiten: 399, [ED: 1], Palgrave Macmillan, 2022

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Details zum Buch

Detailangaben zum Buch - Institutional Grammar

EAN (ISBN-13): 9783030863722
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Herausgeber: Palgrave Macmillan

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2021-09-16T21:23:58+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-08-13T16:59:08+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9783030863722

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
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Titel des Buches: grammar

Daten vom Verlag:

Autor/in: Christopher K. Frantz; Saba Siddiki
Titel: Institutional Grammar - Foundations and Applications for Institutional Analysis
Verlag: Palgrave Macmillan; Springer International Publishing
396 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022-02-24
Cham; CH
Sprache: Englisch
117,69 € (DE)
121,00 € (AT)
142,00 CHF (CH)
XV, 396 p. 145 illus., 41 illus. in color.

EA; E107; eBook; Nonbooks, PBS / Politikwissenschaft/Politisches System; Zentralregierung; Verstehen; institutional design; institutional analysis; policy design; governance; computational social science; B; Governance and Government; Public Policy; Political Science and International Studies; Öffentliche Verwaltung; BB

Christopher K. Frantz is Associate Professor of Computational Social Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. His work focuses on computational approaches to institutional analysis, with specific focus on agent-based modelling techniques. A particular interest lies in analyzing socio-institutional phenomena in artificial societies, including their emergence and lifecycle dynamics, as well as establishing explanatory linkages to the underlying behavioral processes. A conceptual refinement of his work was the systematic introduction of nesting principles into the Institutional Grammar aimed at improving the Grammar’s conceptual validity to represent institutions of arbitrary type and complexity.

“This book represents the definitive text on the grammar of institutions.”

, Professor, University of Arizona, USA

“… [this] book revolutionizes the study of institutions and provides a sturdy foundation for building knowledge about them.”

, Professor, University of Colorado Denver, USA

“… [the] Institutional Grammar 2.0 [is] a de-facto open standard for a new field we might call 'Computational Institutional Analysis.'”

, Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Institutional Grammar (IG), an approach for analysing the design of institutions. To lay the foundation for the application of the “Grammar” for different application areas, the book first provides a background of the IG, before motivating the introduction of an updated version of the Institutional Grammar, called the Institutional Grammar 2.0 that aims at representing institutions more comprehensively and with greater validity. The book then turns to applications and introduces methodological guidance alongside expositions of emerging analytical applications of the “Grammar” that include presentations of current practice, as well as developing novel analytical opportunities that analysts of diverse disciplinary backgrounds and interest can apply or build upon for their application.

is Associate Professor of Computational Social Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. His research focuses on computational approaches to institutional analysis, with specific focus on modelling techniques to facilitate behavioral and structural analyses of institutional arrangements. A conceptual refinement introduced as part of his work is the systematic application of nesting principles, enhancing the Institutional Grammar’s ability to capture institutions ofarbitrary structural complexity.

is Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs at Syracuse University, USA. Her research focuses on institutional design, particularly, policy design. She studies the structure/content of policy design and the behavioral and policy implications of policy design. Siddiki has specifically focused on empirically validating the use of the Institutional Grammar for measuring policy-relevant concepts and expanding the syntactic structure upon which the Institutional Grammar is based.

Edella Schlager Christopher M. Weible Charlie Schweik Christopher K. Frantz Saba Siddiki
Provides a comprehensive introduction to the Institutional Grammar, an approach for analysing the design of institutions Builds on Crawford's and Ostrom's ground breaking work, and provides guidelines for how their framework can be applied Outlines an Institutional Grammar 2.0 to update the field

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