Nonimaging optics is a subdiscipline of optics whose development over the last 35â??40 years was led by scientists from the University of Chicago and other cooperating individuals and ins… Mehr…
Nonimaging optics is a subdiscipline of optics whose development over the last 35â??40 years was led by scientists from the University of Chicago and other cooperating individuals and institutions. The approach provides a formalism that allows the design of optical devices that approach the maximum physically attainable geometric concentration for a given set of optical tolerances. This means that it has the potential to revolutionize the design of solar concentrators. In this monograph, the basic practical applications of the techniques of nonimaging optics to solar energy collection and concentration are developed and explained. The formalism for designing a wide variety of concentrator types, such as the compound parabolic concentrator and its many embodiments and variations, is presented. Both advantages and limitations of the approach are reviewed. Practical and economic aspects of concentrator design for both thermal and photovoltaic applications are discussed as well. The whole range of concentrator applications from simple low-concentration nontracking designs to ultrahigh-concentration multistage configurations is covered.Table of Contents: Introduction / CPCs / Practical Design of CPC Thermal Collectors / Practical Design of CPC PV Concentrators / Two-Stage Nonimaging Concentrators for Solar Thermal Applications / Two-Stage Nonimaging Concentrators for Solar PV Applications / Selected Demonstrations of Nonimaging Concentrator Performance / The Importance of Economic Factors in Effective Solar Concentrator Design / Ultrahigh Concentration / Bibliography Technology,<
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*Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy* / pdf eBook für 35.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Sachthemen & Ratgeber, Technik Medien > Bücher nein eBook als pdf eBooks > Sachthemen & Ratgeber > T… Mehr…
*Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy* / pdf eBook für 35.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Sachthemen & Ratgeber, Technik Medien > Bücher nein eBook als pdf eBooks > Sachthemen & Ratgeber > Technik, Springer International Publishing<
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Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy: ab 35.49 € eBooks > Sachthemen & Ratgeber > Technik Springer International Publishing eBook als pdf, Springer International Publishing
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Nonimaging optics is a subdiscipline of optics whose development over the last 35â??40 years was led by scientists from the University of Chicago and other cooperating individuals and ins… Mehr…
Nonimaging optics is a subdiscipline of optics whose development over the last 35â??40 years was led by scientists from the University of Chicago and other cooperating individuals and institutions. The approach provides a formalism that allows the design of optical devices that approach the maximum physically attainable geometric concentration for a given set of optical tolerances. This means that it has the potential to revolutionize the design of solar concentrators. In this monograph, the basic practical applications of the techniques of nonimaging optics to solar energy collection and concentration are developed and explained. The formalism for designing a wide variety of concentrator types, such as the compound parabolic concentrator and its many embodiments and variations, is presented. Both advantages and limitations of the approach are reviewed. Practical and economic aspects of concentrator design for both thermal and photovoltaic applications are discussed as well. The whole range of concentrator applications from simple low-concentration nontracking designs to ultrahigh-concentration multistage configurations is covered.Table of Contents: Introduction / CPCs / Practical Design of CPC Thermal Collectors / Practical Design of CPC PV Concentrators / Two-Stage Nonimaging Concentrators for Solar Thermal Applications / Two-Stage Nonimaging Concentrators for Solar PV Applications / Selected Demonstrations of Nonimaging Concentrator Performance / The Importance of Economic Factors in Effective Solar Concentrator Design / Ultrahigh Concentration / Bibliography Technology,<
*Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy* / pdf eBook für 35.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Sachthemen & Ratgeber, Technik Medien > Bücher nein eBook als pdf eBooks > Sachthemen & Ratgeber > T… Mehr…
*Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy* / pdf eBook für 35.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Sachthemen & Ratgeber, Technik Medien > Bücher nein eBook als pdf eBooks > Sachthemen & Ratgeber > Technik, Springer International Publishing<
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Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy: ab 35.49 € eBooks > Sachthemen & Ratgeber > Technik Springer International Publishing eBook als pdf, Springer International Publishing
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy
EAN (ISBN-13): 9783031794209 Herausgeber: Springer International Publishing
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2023-02-06T14:23:49+01:00 (Berlin) Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2023-05-14T12:09:15+02:00 (Berlin) ISBN/EAN: 9783031794209
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen: 978-3-031-79420-9 Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe: Autor des Buches: gallagher
Daten vom Verlag:
Autor/in: Joseph O'Gallagher Titel: Synthesis Lectures on Energy and the Environment: Technology, Science, and Society; Synthesis Lectures on Renewable Energy Technologies; Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy; Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy Verlag: Springer; Springer International Publishing 119 Seiten Erscheinungsjahr: 2022-05-31 Cham; CH Sprache: Englisch 35,30 € (DE) 36,30 € (AT) 39,00 CHF (CH) Available IX, 119 p.
EA; E107; eBook; Nonbooks, PBS / Technik; Ingenieurswesen, Maschinenbau allgemein; Verstehen; B; Technology and Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electrical Power Engineering; Mechanical Power Engineering; Engineering Design; Engineering; Maschinenbau; Elektrotechnik; Energietechnik, Elektrotechnik und Energiemaschinenbau; Konstruktion, Entwurf; BC
Introduction.- CPCs.- Practical Design of CPC Thermal Collectors.- Practical Design of CPC PV Concentrators.- Two-Stage Nonimaging Concentrators for Solar Thermal Applications.- Two-Stage Nonimaging Concentrators for Solar PV Applications.- Selected Demonstrations of Nonimaging Concentrator Performance.- The Importance of Economic Factors in Effective Solar Concentrator Design.- Ultrahigh Concentration.- Bibliography.
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