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The production of Urban Space, Temporality, and Spatiality - Bernard Gauthiez
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Bernard Gauthiez:

The production of Urban Space, Temporality, and Spatiality (Mieten. Jahres-Abopreis pro Monat)

ISBN: 9783110623062

Die Reihe zielt auf einen interdisziplinären Austausch über Praktiken und Konzepte aus der Doppelperspektive von Raum und Zeit. Räumlichkeit und Zeitlichkeit und ihre unauflösliche Korrel… Mehr…

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€ 59,95
Versand: € 9,951
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Bernard Gauthiez:

The production of Urban Space, Temporality, and Spatiality - Erstausgabe

2020, ISBN: 9783110623062

Lyons, 1500-1900, eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), Auflage, [PU: De Gruyter Oldenbourg], De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020

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€ 59,95
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Bernard Gauthiez:
The production of Urban Space, Temporality, and Spatiality - Erstausgabe


ISBN: 9783110623062

Lyons, 1500-1900, [ED: 1], Auflage, eBook Download (PDF), eBooks, [PU: De Gruyter Oldenbourg]

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bei lehmanns.de
€ 59,95
Versand: € 9,951
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Bernard Gauthiez:
The production of Urban Space, Temporality, and Spatiality - Erstausgabe

2020, ISBN: 9783110623062

Lyons, 1500-1900, eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), [PU: De Gruyter], De Gruyter, 2020

Versandkosten:Download sofort lieferbar. (EUR 9.95)

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Details zum Buch

Detailangaben zum Buch - The production of Urban Space, Temporality, and Spatiality

EAN (ISBN-13): 9783110623062
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Herausgeber: De Gruyter

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2021-01-16T15:27:56+01:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2025-01-19T10:27:10+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9783110623062

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:

Daten vom Verlag:

Autor/in: Bernard Gauthiez
Titel: SpatioTemporality / RaumZeitlichkeit; The production of Urban Space, Temporality, and Spatiality - Lyons, 1500-1900
Verlag: De Gruyter Oldenbourg
257 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020-05-05
Sprache: Englisch
74,95 € (DE)
74,95 € (AT)
8 b/w and 1 col. ill., 14 b/w tbl., 3 b/w and 47 col. maps, 9 b/w and 2 col. graphics

EA; E107; Nonbooks, PBS / Geschichte/Neuzeit bis 1918; Europäische Geschichte; Verstehen; BUS023000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economic History; HIS010020 HISTORY / Europe / Western; HIS054000 HISTORY / Social History; European history; Social & cultural history; Economic history; Frankreich; BB; EA

The production of urban space in scarcely studied by scholars in historical and urban studies, the city being still predominantly seen as a frame in which activities and social relationship develop, not a produce in itself. The scope of the book is the comprehension of this production. This implies an adequate conceptualisation of the way urban space can be measured and broken down in units which can be put in relation with social processes and agents. A first part examines the concepts and their implications. The second part deals with the anthropology and typology of architectural production considered in relation to demography. The third part develops on the rhythms of the space production at Lyon from the late 15th century to the 19th. The temporalities and spatialities of the production are determined and examined. The agents of the production are studied all along the period, in parallel to the market aimed at: investors in real estate, tenants, activities. Each phenomenon identified can be described and understood as in the meantime a temporal, spatial and social unit.

The production of urban space in scarcely studied by scholars in historical and urban studies, the city being still predominantly seen as a frame in which activities and social relationship develop, not a produce in itself. The scope of the book is the comprehension of this production. This implies an adequate conceptualisation of the way urban space can be measured and broken down in units which can be put in relation with social processes and agents. A first part examines the concepts and their implications. The second part deals with the anthropology and typology of architectural production considered in relation to demography. The third part develops on the rhythms of the space production at Lyon from the late 15th century to the 19th. The temporalities and spatialities of the production are determined and examined. The agents of the production are studied all along the period, in parallel to the market aimed at: investors in real estate, tenants, activities. Each phenomenon identified can be described and understood as in the meantime a temporal, spatial and social unit.

Université de Lyon

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