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The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - Alexander Meeus
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Alexander Meeus:

The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783110743821

*The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke?* - A Historical and Historiographical Commentary / pdf eBook für 129.95 € / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Fachthemen & Wiss… Mehr…

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The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - Alexander Meeus
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Alexander Meeus:

The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783110743821

The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? ab 129.95 € als pdf eBook: A Historical and Historiographical Commentary. Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Fachthemen & Wissens… Mehr…

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The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - Alexander Meeus
bei Hugendubel.de
€ 129,95
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Alexander Meeus:
The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783110743821

*The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke?* - A Historical and Historiographical Commentary / pdf eBook für 129.95 € / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Geschichte & Doku… Mehr…

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The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - Alexander Meeus
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Alexander Meeus:
The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783110743821

The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - A Historical and Historiographical Commentary: ab 129.95 € eBooks > Fachthemen & Wissenschaft > Literaturwissenschaft… Mehr…

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The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - Alexander Meeus
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Alexander Meeus:
The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783110743821

The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke? - A Historical and Historiographical Commentary: ab 129.95 € eBooks > Geschichte & Dokus Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG… Mehr…

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Details zum Buch

Detailangaben zum Buch - The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' ?Bibliotheke?

EAN (ISBN-13): 9783110743821
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Herausgeber: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2022-03-19T13:07:35+01:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-11-09T13:14:11+01:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9783110743821

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: meeus
Titel des Buches: history, diodoros, the book, bibliotheke

Daten vom Verlag:

Autor/in: Alexander Meeus
Titel: Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte; The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros’ ›Bibliotheke‹ - A Historical and Historiographical Commentary
Verlag: De Gruyter
625 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022-02-21
Sprache: Englisch
129,95 € (DE)
129,95 € (AT)
1 col. ill., 4 b/w tbl.

EA; E107; Nonbooks, PBS / Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft/Klassische Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft; Antike; Verstehen; LIT004190 LITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & Classical; Literary studies: classical, early & medieval; Ancient history: to c 500 CE; Diodorus, Siculus; Geschichtsschreibung; Antike; Koine; Griechenland; Diodoros; Hellenistic history; Greek historiograpy; Koinè; Alte Welt; EA; BB

Diodoros of Sicily’s book XIX is the main source for the history of the Diadochoi, Alexander the Great’s Successors, from 317 to 311 BCE. With the first full-scale commentary on this text in any language Alexander Meeus offers a detailed and reliable guide to the complicated historical narrative and the fascinating ethnographic information transmitted by Diodoros, which includes the earliest accounts of Indian widow burning and Nabataean culture.

Studying both history and historiography, this volume elucidates a crucial stage in the creation of the Hellenistic world in Greece and the Near East as well as the confusing source tradition.

Diodoros, a long neglected author indispensable for much of our knowledge of Antiquity, is currently enjoying growing scholarly interest. An ample introduction discusses his historical methods and sheds light on his language and style and on the manuscript transmission of books XVII-XX. By negotiating between diametrically opposed scholarly opinions a new understanding of Diodoros’ place in the ancient historiographical tradition is offered.

The volume is of interest to scholars of ancient historiography, Hellenistic history, Hellenistic prose and the textual transmission of the Bibliotheke.

Diodoros of Sicily’s book XIX is the main source for the history of the Diadochoi, Alexander the Great’s Successors, from 317 to 311 BCE. With the first full-scale commentary on this text in any language Alexander Meeus offers a detailed and reliable guide to the complicated historical narrative and the fascinating ethnographic information transmitted by Diodoros, which includes the earliest accounts of Indian widow burning and Nabataean culture.

Studying both history and historiography, this volume elucidates a crucial stage in the creation of the Hellenistic world in Greece and the Near East as well as the confusing source tradition.

Diodoros, a long neglected author indispensable for much of our knowledge of Antiquity, is currently enjoying growing scholarly interest. An ample introduction discusses his historical methods and sheds light on his language and style and on the manuscript transmission of books XVII-XX. By negotiating between diametrically opposed scholarly opinions a new understanding of Diodoros’ place in the ancient historiographical tradition is offered.

The volume is of interest to scholars of ancient historiography, Hellenistic history, Hellenistic prose and the textual transmission of the Bibliotheke.

Alexander Meeus

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