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Zaman, Marzia:

E-business Technology and Strategy / International Conference, CETS 2010, Ottawa, Canada, September 29-30, 2010. Proceedings / Marzia Zaman (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Englisch / 2011 - Taschenbuch

2011, ISBN: 9783642163968

[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Springer Berlin], The International Conference on E-business Technology & Strategy (CETS) provides a peer-reviewed forum for researchers from across the globe t… Mehr…

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E-business Technology and Strategy - Marzia Zaman; Yawei Liang; Sohail M. Siddiqui; Tim Wang; Vincent Liu; Ceecee Lu
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Marzia Zaman; Yawei Liang; Sohail M. Siddiqui; Tim Wang; Vincent Liu; Ceecee Lu:

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2010, ISBN: 9783642163968

The International Conference on E-business Technology & Strategy (CETS) provides a peer-reviewed forum for researchers from across the globe to share contemporary research on developments… Mehr…

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Zaman, Marzia, Yawei Liang und Sohail M. Siddiqui:
E-business Technology and Strategy International Conference, CETS 2010, Ottawa, Canada, September 29-30, 2010. Proceedings - Taschenbuch


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Marzia Zaman, Yawei Liang, Sohail M. Siddiqui:
E-business Technology and Strategy International Conference, CETS 2010, Ottawa, Canada, September 29-30, 2010. Proceedings 2010 - gebrauchtes Buch

2010, ISBN: 9783642163968

2010 Neubindung, Buchrücken leicht geknickt und eingerissen 9304090/12 Versandkostenfreie Lieferung product, information, E-Health, Information, Technology, business, process, managemen… Mehr…

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E-business Technology and Strategy International Conference, CETS 2010, Ottawa, Canada, September 29-30, 2010. Proceedings - Zaman, Marzia, Yawei Liang  und Sohail M. Siddiqui
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€ 43,06
Versand: € 0,001
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Zaman, Marzia, Yawei Liang und Sohail M. Siddiqui:
E-business Technology and Strategy International Conference, CETS 2010, Ottawa, Canada, September 29-30, 2010. Proceedings - gebrauchtes Buch

2010, ISBN: 9783642163968

[PU: Springer Berlin], Neubindung, Buchrücken leicht geknickt und eingerissen 9304090/12, DE, [SC: 0.00], gebraucht; sehr gut, gewerbliches Angebot, 2010, Banküberweisung, Kreditkarte, Pa… Mehr…

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Details zum Buch
E-business Technology and Strategy

This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Conference on E-business Technology and Strategy held in Ottowa, Canada, in September 2010.

Detailangaben zum Buch - E-business Technology and Strategy

EAN (ISBN-13): 9783642163968
ISBN (ISBN-10): 3642163963
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Herausgeber: Springer Berlin
326 Seiten
Gewicht: 0,514 kg
Sprache: eng/Englisch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2008-07-16T01:27:04+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-10-18T07:53:35+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9783642163968

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
3-642-16396-3, 978-3-642-16396-8
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: vincent, liang, wang wei, marzia, marzi, tim, liu, siddiqui
Titel des Buches: technology business, international proceedings, business strategy, your strategy needs strategy

Daten vom Verlag:

Autor/in: Marzia Zaman; Yawei Liang; Sohail M. Siddiqui; Tim Wang; Vincent Liu; Ceecee Lu
Titel: Communications in Computer and Information Science; E-business Technology and Strategy - International Conference, CETS 2010, Ottawa, Canada, September 29-30, 2010. Proceedings
Verlag: Springer; Springer Berlin
327 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2010-10-06
Berlin; Heidelberg; DE
Sprache: Englisch
53,49 € (DE)
54,99 € (AT)
59,00 CHF (CH)
XI, 327 p. 80 illus.

BC; Hardcover, Softcover / Informatik, EDV/Informatik; Wirtschaftsmathematik und -informatik, IT-Management; Verstehen; Informatik; Wirtschaft; Controlling; E-Health; IT; Information Technology; Internet; business models; business process management; design tools; e-business; human resources management; management control; optimization; product information; quality control; service innovation; IT Operations; Business Strategy and Leadership; Computer Engineering and Networks; e-Commerce and e-Business; Computer and Information Systems Applications; Computers and Society; Strategisches Management; Computerhardware; Computer-Anwendungen in den Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften; E-Commerce: geschäftliche Aspekte; Angewandte Informatik; Digital- und Informationstechnologien: soziale und ethische Aspekte; EA

Research on Group Decision-Making Mechanism of Internet Emergency Management.- The Challenges and Issues Regarding E-Health and Health Information Technology Trends in the Healthcare Sector.- The Study of Address Tree Coding Based on the Maximum Matching Algorithm in Courier Business.- Customer Credit Scoring Method Based on the SVDD Classification Model with Imbalanced Dataset.- K-BRiR: An Efficient and Self-organized Routing Mechanism for Structured Peer-to-Peer Service Networks.- Study on Amortization Time and Rationality in Real Estate Investment.- Risk Evaluation of Business Continuity Management by Using Green Technology.- Automated Methodologies for the Design of Flow Diagrams for Development and Maintenance Activities.- ACO-Based Projection Pursuit: A Novel Clustering Algorithm.- Ant Colony Algorithm for Multiple-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Shortest Finish Time.- Chaos Caused by a Transitive Map in Information.- Comparative Study of Methods for Monitoring and Controlling a Regional Economic System.- Energy Levels and Co-evolution of Product Innovation in Supply Chain Clusters.- A Typology Framework of Loyalty Reward Programs.- The Knowledge Transfer Factors under Different Perspectives.- IT Operational Risk Measurement Model Based on Internal Loss Data of Banks.- Prediction Task Assignment of Multi-UAV Approach Based on Consensus.- A Macroscopic Timing Optimization Model for Signalized Intersections Based on an Extended Internal State Node Model.- A Research Methodology for Green IT Systems Based on WSR and Design Science: The Case of a Chinese Company.- Research on the Hotel Image Based on the Detail Service.- Impact of Network Information on the Management of Library E-Resources.- Technology Route and System Design of Green IT.- The Tail of BPM.- The Aggregation-Diffusion Model of Conduction of Technology Value in the Large-Scale Sports Events.- Specification Patent Management for Web Application Platform Ecosystem.- Evaluation of the Acceptance of Audience Response System by Corporations Using the Technology Acceptance Model.- Identification of Variables and Factors Impacting Consumer Behavior in On-line Shopping in India: An Empirical Study.- Knowledge Model of Emergency Decision-Making Based on Knowledge Supply and Demand.- The Consistency and Ranking Method Based on Comparison Linguistic Variable.
Unique visibility State-of-the-art research Fast-track conference proceedings

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